Forum Discussion

Grzegorz Wierzbicki's avatar
Grzegorz Wierzbicki
Brass Contributor
Apr 18, 2019

Find events where access was blocked by specific condional access policy


In Azure Sentinel, I need to find events where access to a resource was blocked by specific conditional access policy.

Can anyone help with the query ?

  • PhilQuiet's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Grzegorz Wierzbicki 


    I know this question is over a year old but I want to answer with what I did in Log Analytics for someone else searching like I was, your where clauses will of course be different, mine was looking for legacy auth requests blocked by a particular policy:


    | where TimeGenerated >= ago(24h)
    | where ClientAppUsed !in ("Browser","Mobile Apps and Desktop Clients","")
    | mvexpand PolicyResults = ConditionalAccessPolicies
    | where == "<Policy ID/GUID>" and PolicyResults.result != "reportOnlyNotApplied"
    | project UserPrincipalName, ClientAppUser, tostring(PolicyResults.result), TimeGenerated

    It's lines 4 and 5 that you need. Hope it helps someone

  • Grzegorz Wierzbicki 


    let policyname = "MCAS";  // some text that matches the policy name
    | where ConditionalAccessPolicies has policyname
    | where ConditionalAccessStatus == "success"
    | project AppliedConditionalAccessPolicies 

    Maybe start to look for the policy name...

    • Grzegorz Wierzbicki's avatar
      Grzegorz Wierzbicki
      Brass Contributor

      This is not it.

      ConditionalAccessPolicies is an array of all the policies found in the tenant.

      Each policy can have a status of success, notApplied or notEnabled (possibly more?)

      In PowerShell this would be a no-brainer.

      $policyid = <guid>

      $ConditionalAccessPolicies | ?{$ -eq $policyid -AND $_.result -eq "success"}


      I just don't know how do that in this query language...

      • CliveWatson's avatar
        Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

        Grzegorz Wierzbicki 


        More like

        | where tostring(ConditionalAccessPolicies.[0].displayName) !=""
        | summarize count() by //TimeGenerated,
                                CAPolicyName = tostring(ConditionalAccessPolicies.[0].displayName),                                            ConditionalAccessStatus


        Filter on 'success' with 


        | where tostring(ConditionalAccessPolicies.[0].displayName) !=""
        | where ConditionalAccessStatus == "success"
        | summarize count() by //TimeGenerated,
                                CAPolicyName = tostring(ConditionalAccessPolicies.[0].displayName),                                            ConditionalAccessStatus
