Forum Discussion
Aug 13, 2021Getting Started with Azure Purview using Purview Starter Kit, CLI and PowerShell !
Hi Purview folks
Good day ! Today I'm going to talk about getting started and being up and running with a fresh new (clean install) Azure Purview deployment in a matter of minutes. While most Azure Purview Documentation articles talk about all the steps in detail, most of them reference steps you need to perform on the Azure portal, or a mix or Portal and Azure CLI and PowerShell; I'll talk about getting started real quick through automated methods using PowerShell and python scripts!
Materials/Artefacts Used:
1) Purview Starter Kit [GitHub] (instructions below)
2) Purview Demo (Automated ARM Templates on Azure) :
3) Purview CLI :
4) [Watch Video] Steps To Register Azure Datasources After executing the attached Purview Starter Kit
Method 1 (Purview Starter Kit):
For folks just starting out with Purview, there is a modified version of the Purview Starter Kit described on this page. The change is that you just need your subscription ID and tenant ID and every Purview resource required will be generated and set up through this script automatically. Just remember to use only small case letters (less than 24 characters) in the parameters to run the script.
For example: Following is a valid command to execute the attached script. Extract the attached (PurviewStarterKitV5 to a folder of your choice, then open PowerShell as administrator, and navigate to the folder where PurviewStarterKitV5 was extracted. Change the parameters (CatalogName , TenantID, SubscriptionId , ResourceGroup , CatalogResourceGroup , Location) below as per your choice.
.\RunStarterKitFullAuto.ps1 `
-CatalogName ARIBANPURVIEW20210812 `
-TenantId 67215357-86f1-41af-91ab-ABCDACDADC `
-SubscriptionId 873671623-848d-40fe-b817-542347623571 `
-ResourceGroup ariban20210812 `
-CatalogResourceGroup managed-rg-aribanpurview20210812 `
-Location "Central India"
Sample output showing successful execution of the script is attached in the .docx file with this post.
Method 2 (Purview Demo Template Automatic Deployment):
A very simple and one-click method for setting up Purview is to execute this Purview Demo (Automated ARM Templates on Azure) :
Click "Deploy to Azure" Button,
Then fill in some important a(self-explanatory) parameters on your Azure Portal, and the entire Purview deployment with some sample data sources are set up in one-shot !
The following cases are demonstrated :
Purview Demo Highlights
- Get Access Token
- Azure Purview: Create Azure Key Vault Connection
- Azure Purview: Create Credential
- Azure Purview: Create Collection
- Azure SQL Database: Register Source
- Azure SQL Database: Create Scan
- Azure SQL Database: Run Scan
- Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2: Load Sample Data
- Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2: Register Source
- Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2: Create Scan
- Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2: Run Scan
- Azure Data Factory: Run Pipeline
After the deployment completes, the Deployment screen will look somewhat like this :
[Watch Video] Here's a visual demo of what happens after the deployment script completes. This video talks about how to explore what happens to your Purview deployment after running the Purview Demo Deployment Automation @ - See the after effects of the script on Purview Catalog, Data Map, Viewing the registered data sources, scan history, Assets Browsing, Viewing Lineage, Classifications, Glossary, insights etc. on the Azure Purview Portal.
Next Steps:
Purview CLI
After the Purview environment is set-up, all data sources are registered and scans are set-up, you may wish to try out more useful things with Purview CLI. This is a python scripted environment which allows you to try out all useful APIs on Purview.
Let me know your experience setting up and getting started with Purview in the comments below !
- arindamban
Hi All, latest code is here :
Please check it out - alvintai
What a good stuff there you have. However if someone wanted to deploy the starter kit v5 inside your own subscription via option 1. There are several things need to watch out for.
I manage to make it work in to make the script run in Windows Server 2019 with Powershell 7.1.5
Pre-requisite are (For those not very familiar)
- Azure CLI
- Azure Az PowerShell Module
If you happen to use resource group name call purview, then u will run into issue with Azure Data Factory, Azure Datalake and Azure Blob creation error because the name has been taken up. So u need to edit the name of Azure Datalake, Azure Blob and Azure Data Factory to make sure the name is unique.
You need to change it at RunStarterKitFullAuto.ps1 at line 14,15 and 16[string]$StorageBlobName = $ResourceGroup + "adcblobat",
[string]$AdlsGen2Name = $ResourceGroup + "adcadlsat",
[string]$DataFactoryName = $ResourceGroup + "adcfactoryat",Change it to something that will give a unique name to avoid the error.
Also, if u wish to ensure all resources are in the same location, u need to change one more area at DemoScript.ps1 at line 19 which is hard coded to East US.
[string]$AzureStorageGen2Location= "Southeast Asia",
Alvin- arindamban
Hey many apologies, I had updated the code, but forgot to update this page since it was posted long time back,. the latest code is here :
Please check it out