Forum Discussion

dheerajkumarsingh909's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 04, 2024

Sensitivity Label change alert

We have successfully rolled out Sensitivity Labels across our organization. All users an admins subscribe to M365 E5


I would like create an alert email which fires when a Sensitivity Label is replaced with a lower-order label on any document or email.


The Activity Explorer logs in Purview show the labell applied, but events, but I am struggling to find a way to create an alert.


I tried using PowerAutomate, but unable to find a solution there.




  • Fiani's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    i have the same concern with you, to create alert when user trying to downgrade the sensitivity label.
    Now i'm trying to test create Insider Risk Management, to give me alert when user downgrade the label from sharepoint, end exfiltratation the files. It worked, but the alert will trigger when user doing both actions (downgrade and exfiltrate) not only downgrade

  • dubeyneeraj's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    one option to monitor Label change (lower the priority) You can configure in Policy setting

    from the Activity log you can check for "Activity"='Label changed' which can provide you Old Sensitivity Label, Sensitivity Label and can get user details also
