Forum Discussion
Jan 31, 2025Copper Contributor
Disable/Enable option for RemoteApp
It is one of the basic requirements to enable and disable a published App through Application group or Individual RemoteApp. This can save a lot of time when we need testing or troubleshoot issues with RemoteApp. I recommend Microsoft to add this feature for AVD going forward.
- balasubramanimIron Contributor
Currently, Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) does not have a built-in option to enable/disable individual RemoteApps within an Application Group. However, you can achieve this functionality using Azure CLI or PowerShell by modifying the assigned applications dynamically.
Workarounds to Enable/Disable RemoteApp in AVD:
1. Remove or Add RemoteApp from Application Group (Disable/Enable)
Disable (Remove RemoteApp):
az desktopvirtualization application delete --resource-group <ResourceGroup> --host-pool-name <HostPoolName> --application-group-name <AppGroupName> --name <AppName>
Enable (Re-add RemoteApp):
az desktopvirtualization application create --resource-group <ResourceGroup> --host-pool-name <HostPoolName> --application-group-name <AppGroupName> --name <AppName> --file-path "C:\Program Files\<AppPath>.exe"2. Update Assignments (Remove/Assign Users Dynamically)
Disable RemoteApp for a user (Remove access)
saz desktopvirtualization user-session delete --resource-group <ResourceGroup> --host-pool-name <HostPoolName> --session-host <SessionHostName> --user-session-id <SessionID>
Enable RemoteApp for a user (Reassign access)
az role assignment create --assignee <UserEmail> --role "Desktop Virtualization User" --scope /subscriptions/<SubID>/resourceGroups/<ResourceGroup>/providers/Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/applicationGroups/<AppGroupName>3. Use PowerShell to Temporarily Disable RemoteApp
You can disable a RemoteApp by setting its ShowInPortal property to false:
pSet-RdsRemoteApp -TenantName "<TenantName>" -HostPoolName "<HostPoolName>" -AppGroupName "<AppGroupName>" -Name "<AppName>" -ShowInPortal $falseTo enable it again, set ShowInPortal to true.
- JonahBaderCopper Contributor
Currently there is a setting on App Attach packages in Azure called State that reads "Active packages will be available to users, inactive packages will be unavailable to all users."
Is the requirement you are describing different from this?
Let's consider "Feedback" option" under Azure portal as well