Forum Discussion
Apr 05, 2020MVP
I've been mainly using Bing engine for the past 3 months and this is my review
I've been mainly using Bing search engine in the last 3 months. this is my honest opinion.
I enjoy Bing more than Google because Bing has a better layout, Bing has so much more features, like when I want to reverse image search, It shows me the name of the person in the picture or in cases where there is a text in the picture, it uses OCR (Optical Character Recognition) to let me copy the text from the pic and automatically search for it.
Bing also gives me lots of categories in image searches. I did a side by side comparison of a subject just yesterday. in Google there was no categories to suggest but Bing suggested lots of categories at top, they were so specific that I was surprised how far it went.
Bing has Microsoft Rewards and what it means is that you get points when you do normal searches, you don't need to go to Bing Rewards dashboard to do any additional tasks, but if you want you can and get even more points.
These points accumulate and once they reach a certain amount, you can redeem them for a wide range of prizes. I usually redeem them monthly to get free Xbox game pass which I can use to play all news AAA games on PC and Xbox. so basically I always and forever have free game subscription.
Bing is integrated into Cortana on Windows 10 which means I don't have to open a browser to type anything, I simply press Windows key and start typing and it shows me search results, when I click on a result, it opens it on the new Edge browser which is my default browser and it's also better than Google Chrome for a long list or reasons. (de-googled browser, Tracking Prevention, Collections, Reading view and all of its features, Read Aloud with custom natural voice etc etc..).
Bing also gives me peace of mind knowing that my data and privacy is being handled by a company that revolves around providing services and not data mining.
Bing search results, the default search, is also very relevant. at first I used to open a Google search and compared both results for a specific keyword because I was skeptical that I might be missing some results but nope, I was getting exactly the same relevant results.
Bing also has rich snippets appearing in searches, like when I search for a specific subject, it tells me that hey you also searched about this related subject yesterday and many other little info.
Bing's privacy dashboard is also very streamlined and easy to use. I like that it shows me all of the searched queries I've done from the beginning and allows me to delete them if I want to, but I personally like to keep them as a record.
Bing Also has all of the features that Google offers, I know this because I've been using Google for a long time.
Bing has really and i mean REALLY improved in the last few years and that's why I'm writing this because I'm simply impressed. this is my unbiased honest opinion about Bing. feel free to read or ignore it but if you read I hope you enjoy it.
Have a nice day and stay safe! 😀
- DeletedI totally agree, I used to be so into Google and now since of Microsoft. I have never stopped since Bing is so intergrated into the Windows System. It has the best search, awesome amazy wallpapers, it powers a lot of serach engines, it is powering edge, windows, cortona. Love Windows and using the windows serach is awesome! Bing quizes and awesome facts in quests helped me learned a lot!! It can help me track packages!! Amazing and just Bing is awesome!! Keep it up Bing Team!! Love the factsheets and it is so integrated into Edge that is just amazing!!
- Yeah, so true!
- DeletedDon't get scrooled and bing it on!!!
- philbraniganCopper Contributor
HotCakeX A really useful review thank you for sharing.
I'm at the beginning of my Bing Insider journey and my only focus is going to be on privacy.
Like everyone else the Google business model just doesn't work for me so I am going to cautiously embark on seeing how Bing collects and passes on data from my searches. I will be looking for true anonymisation E.g. my personal details are completely removed and only acceptable product improvement information is made available to third parties.
I'll also run this mini-project for 3 months so that I can fully understand the in's and out's of the data flow.
- Hi,
I'm glad you think like that and thanks for sharing your comment, hope you will get satisfactory results at the end of your project 🙂- ShashankDahatIron Contributor
I Am Using Microsoft Bing From Past To Years On A Windows Phone (Without Signing In) And It Really Provides More Accurate /Useful Results Than Google…
Also It Has Cortana Integrated With Bing And I Am Surprised To Find Out How Bing Has Evolved In The Past Few Years.
It Also Provides More Cards/Quick Results In Top Which Are Really Helpful
Thanks Microsoft For A Wonderful Search Engine
of course, anytime!
- John_Mac1270Copper ContributorI like it as well. Love getting the points.
- Tommys-BookmarksCopper Contributor
There is no better image searching platform than Bing. Love the new'ish face finding feature. Plus it helps that they have a rewards program. So while I am working or playing I am earning rewards I have turned into store cards.
- TrafGibIron Contributor
I must agree with you on all counts! Previously, I was a died in the wool Google, Chrome, and Android fan. A few years back, I began to see the ever growing evils of Google, as a company, in regard to data mining and privacy. The general plan of action for most folks waking up to this reality has been to shift over to the Firefox browser and start using an alternative search engine such as DuckDuckGo. Likewise, I chose that same path. However, when the new Edge Dev channel opened up, I began testing it as an alternative browser solution while still using DuckDuckGo. Since DDG is essentially relies on Bing for results, and I liked those, I started testing the use of Bing directly. Primary test was to see if ads related to searches started following me around the web.
With time, I have developed confidence in what I was seeing. Using the new Edge with the same key privacy extensions (uBlock Origin, Cookie AutoDelete, etc.) I have become increasingly more convinced that I am receiving an overall experience on par with that if using Firefox and DuckDuckGo.
The key difference, of course, is that Microsoft is retaining all of our search data whereas DDG is not. So, as you said, it really boils down to this...
"Bing also gives me peace of mind knowing that my data and privacy is being handled by a company that revolves around providing services and not data mining."
If Microsoft (Bing) continues to build on that piece of mind, showing that the data collected is really used for software improvement and user experience then I see a bright future for Edge & Bing as a product combo. The new browser is proving to be incredible, VERY privacy focused, and Bing now offers a great user experience and seems to be taking privacy seriously as well.
- sgilderBrass Contributor
Edge helps protect your privacy from others on the web, but it does send hardware UUID information to Microsoft...
- TrafGibIron Contributor
Agreed. I am good with collecting the data necessary for product improvement. The ongoing design and success of the new Edge would be tough to steer if navigating blindly. Trust from the users that data collected does not start getting leveraged for other purposes is the key. Those with their eyes open see what Chrome/Google has become. The typical departure from that evil empire was Firefox. So far, Microsoft appears to be offering a strong alternative. I have not come to that level of trust easily and will bolt at the first sign that I was incorrect.
- Great insights and valuable info, thanks 🙂