Forum Discussion
Mar 03, 2021Brass Contributor
Pages of automatically jumping to the top of page
When opening the search result link in the new Tab and return to the Bing Tab after some seconds/minutes, suddenly the page automatically jumping to the top of the page, and this happens in all of Bing website pages(Tested with Edge Chromium, Chrome, Firefox ESR), and I have this problem for several months.
- nisalk96Copper Contributor
I think this is caused by bing chat (copilot) respose box in result page when it generate respose bign automatically jump to top chat section , turn off copilot response options to temporary fix this issue
- noiwillnotCopper Contributor
Purely out of interest, what makes you think that it is Copilot that is causing the problem? It seems to me that you have just plucked that one out of thin air. Much like some MS geeks have done throughout this thread, saying that clearing cache or history, or restarting will cure the problem.
Please, if you think there might be an external influence that is causing the problem, please give details of why and how, along with your solution.
- GaryJonJonCopper Contributor
noiwillnotthis is NOT a bug! look at the source page data. it's by design like I said earlier in the thread. MS want's it to do that and they will not listen to anyone.(as always) You can easily overcome it by installing tampermonkey ad-on for your browser. then open it up and click "get some scripts". search for "fix for bing". It comes right up with "Fix for "Bing Search returns to the top". install it and from then on you can come back to your bing tab an hour later and it will be exactly where you left it. When your researching using bing and you middle click 5 or 6 sites you want to check out, it's a major pain to go back to the bing tab knowing your going to lose your place. It makes no sense to anyone but microsoft. I'm convinced they don't even use bing.
- noiwillnotCopper Contributor
nisalk96It has absolutely nothing to do with Copilot. The problem is far older than Copilot. I politely suggest that you read through the thread before posting. It may provide a little more insight.
- Anthony1967Brass Contributor
I appreciate your suggestion really thank you. But no. Having to do that is akin to patching holes in a boat with bubble gum so you can use it to go fishing for the day... crazy?
It's Microsoft's own system. They built it. So, they release a browser with all these bells and whistles, but you have to turn one thing off to use another aspect of it because it has periods of fits? You would think we have an old 1970 Chevy here and we have to turn the heater on while taking long drives, else the engine will overheat. 🙂
Anyway, I don't' think it is Copilot. As this problem with Bing has been occurring while using Safari, Brave, Vivaldi, and Firefox browsers as well. They don't have Copilot and the issue began for me when I first started using Bing roughly two years ago and has been an issue ever since despite people complaining. It's on all the forums I've searched for answers from. There is even a "workaround" called Tap Monkey one can download as an add-on to make Bing work.
Have you ever heard anything so inept as that? You have to download a third-party add-on, keep it up to date almost daily just to make a company's software to function as touted? Could you imagine millions of people using Google having to do such things just to make Google function as a search engine should? Nope... Me neither.
Considering Microsoft is the number one highest valued company in the nation, this doesn't give me much faith in how we do things anymore. As in, half-assed, then grab the money before the flaws hit the wall. The more nerve shaking thing about this is no one wants to hear such things as it shakes their worldview and sense of security. We like our fantasies of belief that all is well and shall remain so forever. 🙂
But I actually found a much better solution!
I just don't use Bing for anything important any longer. I've relegated it to the bin of occasional use as I once did with Yahoo a few decades back! :).
- GaryJonJonCopper ContributorOh wow these conspiracies/guesses are so embarrassing. Please read through the thread for the answer. Bing's actually not that bad once you load ublacklist ad-on and ban all the fake news they love to push.
- nisalk96Copper Contributor
This issue is not solved yet
- Anthony1967Brass Contributor
I seriously doubt it ever will be, at least not by MS. I read a month or two ago that MS has been trying to sell Bing to Apple. At that time, Apple didn't want it... So, that would suggest that MS has no interest in continuing to persue the project. It kills me, because there has been an number of things the MS has put out there that I had at one time or another begun using and really liked only to find that they would discontinue supporting that product. One in particular was Microsoft Shopping Assistant. It had so much potential and at the time was so far ahead any similar extensions for browswers in its catagory. But they would never address users feedback regarding glaring bugs and horrible graphics issues. It was as they put the thing together suddenly and then dumped it up there for users to scratch their asses over. I mean it was so horrible in its execution that it was an embarrassment that a company of Microsofts stature would even let it beyond the planning stage let alone out the door. The graphics and placement of things was never fine tuned or even finished. Fonts would be unreadable because their backgrounds were not opaque, simple solid shapes used to outline certain areas would simply cross over into others, and data management was horrible. You could designate a product to a specific catagory then never find it. Except if by chance you happen to be perusing through a different catagory and lo and behold! There it would be, along with a whole bunch of other products you had lost, none of which having any relationship to that catagory either! It was horrible, simply unreliable, and reminded me of being highschool learning Basic.
- Anthony1967Brass ContributorI've had to switch, too, as it became too much to deal with. But I'm not surprised it still exists in this state. It seems to be the same way MS handled Shopping Assistant. That was one of the best of its kind for a browser tool, yet despite the glaring bugs, MS didn't do anything at all about its problems. Instead, they just decommissioned it and that was that. I lost two years worth of saved products I was considered when they did that. The bugs were so blatant and so bad I thought at first it was just a trial, but no it was the actual add-on. The add-on suffered from ever tying from shoddy graphic placements (overlaps galore, lack of backgrounds making text unreadable, etc.) to it randomly placing assigned products in other categories other than where the user chose. I was in disbelief that a company as big as MS would release something in such condition. Apparently it had been that way for a lot longer than my use of it. But despite numerous complaints from people, all you ever got was a boilerplate feedback acknowledgement. It makes me wonder if Bing is destined for the same treatment. Because leaving it in this state does not at all fare well with power users, let alone your everyday user. How MS got so sloppy is unbelievable. But I better cash in my points before they just up and disappear.
- rannd1330Copper Contributorunreal to think this is 2 years old and this issue STIL HASN'T BEEN FIXED.
i'm switching search engines, **bleep** the points.- GaryJonJonCopper Contributoryour wise to switch. try mojeek. it's results are better.
- SteveBerkholzBrass ContributorWhen I research, I spawn off new tabs, skim articles, comeback to search, and keep scrolling.
This Bing Bug (I call it a bug, but it was put there on purpose) makes Bing unusable for the way I search. If you leave the tab for more than 15 seconds, a script at Bing will cause any click to reset the page. But you can scroll and scroll before clicking on what you want, only to find out your click means nothing, and you have to find that search result again. Ergh....
I like Bing far more than Google (Google thinks every search is a shopping search), but this years-long bug drives me nuts.- noiwillnotCopper ContributorI am seeing the samething across all browsers. Why is there no valid response from Microsoft? Ah, of course, this is normal. Microsoft really don't seem to care about their users.They bang on about feedback but do not respond in any meaningful way. It is the way of large organisations, Google has the same sort of attitude. Blind arrogance.
Am I going to be proved wrong? I would like to think so but I doubt it will happen.
- Raleighwood007Copper Contributor
I’m currently have this same issue on my iPhone 12. If I go to google on safari it doesn’t scroll to the top like it does w/ Microsoft bing so I’m guessing it has to be an issue with Microsoft bing!
- Geekness_Brass Contributor
If anyone search for a fix, I just posted a sort of solution to this problem on another thread.
Here is the link : Re: Search page of Bing automatically jumping to the top of page. - Microsoft Community Hub
Bye !
IT Manager I don't know if it works for Bing News, but I think it will, try it and tell me if it helps you.
- PlatinumSquidCopper Contributor
nice code! If I run into this on my pc I’ll try it out. Right now only just noticed on my iPhone and I don’t think I can use tamper monkey but maybe I am wrong? Guessing this would also work if I was using android but I am in too deep 😬Geekness_
- IT ManagerCopper ContributorAlso happens in Bing News. I'm looking for a Google News replacement since they just forced users into a totally different interface. Bing News is the best combination of curation and presentation that I've encountered, but this thing of losing my place every time I switch to another tab and back is a deal killer.
Firefox 110.0 on Fedora 36. - VinceECopper Contributor👀