Forum Discussion
Feb 26, 2019MVP
MTC is getting ridiculously slow
It takes a minute for a page to load today, what's going on? I know some people (me included) have been complaining about the performance for a while now, is anything being done about it?
Feb 08, 2024Steel Contributor
5 years and not much has changed. I still get inital load times of 5-10 seconds when visiting the techcommunity.
Community Manager
Feb 11, 2024
While we have seen some slowing down of the community in the last week or so this speed is not typical of our average users experience, we have reports now on each pages average load time and the vast majority load within 1.5 seconds. There are of course some that take longer.
If you wouldn't mind creating a Har file for the experience your having so I can look at the communication between your browser and our systems then I would be happy to look into this further. You can either DM me the har file or email our team.
I do also want to manage expectations, the site is about as quick as we can make it on the current infrastructure and code, however these is a new stack coming later this year (we are already planning for it) which we believe will make this much quicker.
The new stack leverages update website scripting languages, is designed for different screen sizes and has accessibility compliance baked in. We feel this will significantly improve the user experience.