Forum Discussion
Feb 26, 2019MVP
MTC is getting ridiculously slow
It takes a minute for a page to load today, what's going on? I know some people (me included) have been complaining about the performance for a while now, is anything being done about it?
Apr 08, 2019Steel Contributor
Agree, there is a lot of room for improvement. I like the MTC, but browsing here is not very enjoyable.
Reddit front page
DOMContentLoaded 2.6 seconds.
load 4.07 seconds.
This thread
DOMContentLoaded 4.1 seconds.
load 8.3 seconds.
The other thing is that the reddit front page presents a lot more information (or single threads) than the MTC, so you have to load more pages to take in the same amount of information.
Round trip times are also really bad.
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=173ms TTL=244
Reply from bytes=32 time=174ms TTL=244
Reply from bytes=32 time=176ms TTL=244
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 3, Received = 3, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 173ms, Maximum = 176ms, Average = 174ms
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=22ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=11ms TTL=56
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 2, Received = 2, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 11ms, Maximum = 22ms, Average = 16ms
Allenyou say: "At the moment most pages on the community render in under 3 seconds, which is our target load time. That said there will be one user every 30 minutes or so where it may take longer as the cache refreshes."
Not for me, as I explained above. There is another thing. While the conversation view is rendered in about 4 seconds, I do not see any actual threads, because they get loaded with ajax calls AFTER the page has been rendered. And that takes another two seconds (on a good moment). Which makes five and is extremely long for the little content that is actually loaded.
Community Manager
Apr 08, 2019Hi all,
Thanks for the extra details, we will investigate and I will get back to you as soon as I have more to share.
We want the community to be as snappy as we possibly can be, while also offering all the power users are many customizations and options as we can possibly serve. There is actually allot more data loaded via that ajax call than what you see when the page loads.
Anyway - I will update you as soon as I can.
- JonasBackApr 09, 2019Steel Contributor
Allen I also have huge ping response times to (around 160 ms) compared to (12 ms). Sure, it depends on where you are in the world (I'm in Europe) but to be honest, that shouldn't matter in a global community. MxToolBox ping test shows 60 ms.
- AllenApr 09, 2019
Community Manager
Hi Jonas - we know the community is slower outside NA because we are not yet cloud migrated. Lithium are working on this for us and that will help. I am in Scotland and I can confirm your ping times aren't far off mine.
I would love to be able to say 'here you go that's it fixed for everyone' but the reality is that what ever is causing the slow response times (especially on IE) is mixture of complex connections without a simple fix. We will take the data we have had submitted by community members and we will look to see what we can do to improve and where.
As I said earlier - I will of course loop back to you once we have more to share.
- DanielNiccoliJun 05, 2019Steel ContributorAny news? Average RTT from Germany is still 171 ms. :(
- JonasBackApr 09, 2019Steel Contributor
Allen I feel I often would like to just casually browse the forums to see if I find an interesting thread.
So if I access a community, like: Takes 9 seconds to load. I'm presented with 4 conversation threads. I press "Show more conversations", which sure, takes just a second or two but still only adding 4 converstations. So it would take ages for me to go through the latest let's say 100 conversations.
Compare this to > Compact View and bam, 2 seconds and I get presented with the latest some 50 threads. Sure Reddit is extreme but even the good old 10 year old TechNet Social forums ( does a good job, loads in a second or two and shows 20 threads.
So just letting us choose a "Compact View" instead of an "Expanded view" would be a good start. Check out Reddit startpage and the view, that's a good example.