Forum Discussion
Oct 11, 2023Reminder - we are looking forward to a new Member of the Week at MTC :)
I hope that such a distinction will be an ennoblement and motivation for other MTC Members.
Please vote for the new idea, the update will only be once a year:
Add a badge in MTC , ( Member of the Year ) - Microsoft Community Hub
- I was a member of the week in January 2021 (PowerShell, of course 😉 ) but haven't seen topics about that for a long time... (I might have missed it?) But 321 members of the week isn't that much if there were multiple per week in different topics...
- Deleted
A year has passed and still nothing has changed!
- NnekaEne_2023Copper ContributorI'm new here
- Cecilia_Bergstedt
Hi guys! I appreciate your feedback on this matter, and apologies for the lack of updates over the past few months.
There have been changes in my job responsibilities that caused the weekly updates to be shifted down the priority list, but I will discuss how to support this going forward with the team and update you all soon.That's nice to know you have new responsibilities, perhaps better salary and more attractive career path. No irony is here, that's really great. Good luck.
On the other hand existing product functionality (which MTC is) shall not depends on how busy this or that member of the team is. Company shall find resources to support the functionality or announce to users it won't be supported any more or it's break in support. That's how usually business works. Above is more to your bosses.
Being member from very beginning I'm very satisfied with how MTC team works and develops the product. That's not to be polite, really so. But such small things we are discussing confuses.
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I totally agree with you!
I've changed my mind because I believe that as a Community
We have the right to demand due diligence from Microsoft employees, ignorance cannot be tolerated
Anyone can delete the account and forget about this space!
- I was a member of the week in January 2021 (PowerShell, of course 😉 ) but haven't seen topics about that for a long time... (I might have missed it?) But 321 members of the week isn't that much if there were multiple per week in different topics...
Nope, each week that's only one member of the week for entire MTC. 321 weeks returns us back on 2247 days, i.e. to Sep 2017. Taking into account that MTC appeared in late 2016, members of the week started not from the beginning and perhaps some weeks were missed - thus number is okay.
Plus, to my knowledge, due to MTC policy member of the week is never given twice to one person.
- Riny_van_EekelenPlatinum Contributor
"Plus, to my knowledge, due to MTC policy member of the week is never given twice to one person"
Well, it happened to me. So perhaps also to others 🙂
My first was on November 8, 2019:
My second on August 12, 2022:
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