Forum Discussion

Reza_Ameri's avatar
Silver Contributor
Feb 20, 2021

Sign up with Microsoft Account vs Microsoft Tenant ?



We are able to sign up Microsoft Tech Community using personal Microsoft Account and Microsoft tenant like Microsoft365 Azure and so on. The issue is when you login with tenant account and for any reason like change your company, then you will lose access to your Microsoft tenant account. However, when you sign up with Microsoft Account, then you could always keep that account and you may add tenant account and remove it later like when you change tenant and so on.

Personally, I believe it is recommended to sign up with Microsoft Account to Microsoft Tech Community, so you could keep your account forever. 

What do you think ?

  • I think it's better to use personal account if the things you want to talk about is personal, but work accounts can be setup too for organizations if the person is acting on behalf of a company.

    so it's not like never use work account, it all depends on the situation.

    • Reza_Ameri's avatar
      Silver Contributor

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this.

      Here is the situation I observed, when you sign-in with the work account , then you are unable to switch to MSA or personal account and when you leave the company or you are moving to another company then practically you will lose your account.

      However, in case you sign up with a personal account or MSA, when you join a company you could still add the tenant account and you may use it. Then once you left the company , you could just remove that account. 

      • HotCakeX's avatar
        You're welcome,
        yes I know how it works, recently one of the MSFT employees left the company for another job and their account was deleted.
        it's fair, when you leave a place, you don't want leftovers stay there.

        so it's neither good nor bad, just depends on the situation and what the person decides to do.

        this community is not the only service that gets deleted when changing company.
    • Reza_Ameri's avatar
      Silver Contributor


      Agreed, I believe the team need to change the design like ask users to sign up with Microsoft Account and add their personal account later on. It is common for people to join and leave companies and therefore their Azure AD will change and imagine they had participations in the forum and they have to start from the scratch. 
