Forum Discussion
Feb 21, 2020MVP
Beta channel update to 81.0.416.12 is live
These release notes provide information about new features and non-security updates that are included in the Microsoft Edge Beta Channel.
Edge Beta Version 81.0.416.12: February 20
Feature updates
Collections is now available. You can get started by clicking the Collections icon next to the address bar. This opens the Collections pane where you can create, edit, and view Collections. We designed Collections based on what you do on the web. If you’re a shopper, a traveller, a teacher or a student, Collections can help. Learn more.
Allow the removal (Hide from toolbar) of the Collections button from the Microsoft Edge toolbar for consistency.
On-prem Active Directory account auto sign in will only be targeted to organizations that turn it on. If users were already signed in with an on-prem AD account, they will now be able to sign out of it. Now, users will only be automatically signed in with the primary account on their operating system if it is an MSA or an Azure AD account. Admins can enable auto sign in with an on-prem AD account using the ConfigureOnPremisesAccountAutoSignIn policy.
Application Guard. Extensions support now available in the container.
Added a message to inform users that Internet Explorer is not installed when a user navigates to a page that is configured to open in Internet Explorer mode.
Updated the 3D View tool in Microsoft Edge DevTools with a new feature to help debug z-index stacking context. 3D View shows a representation of the DOM (Document Object Model) depth using color and stacking, and the z-Index view helps you isolate the different stacking contexts of your page. Learn more.
Localized the F12 Dev tools in 10 new languages, so they will match the language used in the rest of the browser. Learn more.
Added support for Dolby Vision playback. On Dolby Vision-enabled Windows 10 Build 17134 (April 2018 Update), websites can show Dolby vision content. See how to enable Dolby Vision content from Netflix.
Microsoft Edge can now identify and remove duplicate favorites and merge folders with the same name. To access the tool, click the star on the browser’s toolbar and select "Remove duplicate favorites". You will be able to confirm changes and any updates to your favorites will be synced across devices.
We heard from users it can be difficult to distinguish a normal browsing window in dark theme from an InPrivate window since both window frames are dark. The new solid InPrivate blue pill in the top right corner helps reassure users they are browsing InPrivate.
Open external links in the correct browser profile. Select a default profile for links opened for external apps to open in from edge://settings/multiProfileSettings.
Added a warning to alert users who sign into a browser profile with an account after being previously signed in with another account. This will help prevent unintentional data merging.
If you have payment cards saved in your Microsoft account, you can use them in Microsoft Edge while filling out payment forms. The cards in your Microsoft account will sync across desktop devices and the full details will be shared with the website after two-factor authentication (CVC code and your Microsoft identity.) For further convenience, you can choose to securely save a copy of the card on the device during authentication.
Line Focus is designed for users who like to focus on a limited part of the content as they read. It lets users keep the focus on 1, 3 or 5 lines at a time and dims out the rest of the page to let users read without distraction. Users can scroll using touch or arrow keys and the focus shifts accordingly.
Microsoft Edge is now integrated with Windows Speller on Windows platforms 8.1 and above. This integration provides greater language support, with access to more language dictionaries and the ability to use Windows custom dictionaries. There is no further action needed from the users when a language has been added in the OS language settings and a language spellcheck toggle is enabled in Microsoft Edge settings.
When PDF documents are opened using Microsoft Edge, users will now be able to create highlights, change color, and delete highlights. This helps in referencing important parts of the document later, and for collaboration.
When loading long PDF documents that have been optimized for web, the pages being viewed by the user will be loaded faster, parallelly, while the rest of the document is loading.
Now it's easier to start the Immersive Reader for a website by just pressing the F9 key.
Now it's easier to start Read Aloud by using a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + Shift + U).
Policy updates
New policies
12 new policies were added. Download the updated Administrative Templates from the Microsoft Edge Enterprise landing page. The following new policies were added.
- AmbientAuthenticationInPrivateModesEnabled - Enable Ambient Authentication for InPrivate and Guest profiles.
- AudioSandboxEnabled - Allow the audio sandbox to run.
- ForceLegacyDefaultReferrerPolicy - Use a default referrer policy of no-referrer-when-downgrade.
- GloballyScopeHTTPAuthCacheEnabled - Enable globally scoped HTTP auth cache.
- ImportExtensions - Allow importing of extensions.
- ImportCookies - Allow importing of Cookies.
- ImportShortcuts - Allow importing of shortcuts.
- InternetExplorerIntegrationSiteRedirect - Specify how "in-page" navigations to unconfigured sites behave when started from Internet Explorer mode pages.
- OmniboxMSBProviderEnabled - Enable Microsoft Search for Business provider in omnibox.
- StricterMixedContentTreatmentEnabled - Enable stricter treatment for mixed content.
- TLS13HardeningForLocalAnchorsEnabled - Enable a TLS 1.3 security feature for local trust anchors.
- ConfigureOnPremisesAccountAutoSignIn - Configure automatic sign in with an Active Directory domain account when there is no Azure AD domain account.
Deprecated policies
The following policies continue to work in this release. They will become "obsolete" in a future release.
- WebComponentsV0Enabled - Re-enable Web Components v0 API until M84.
- WebDriverOverridesIncompatiblePolicies - Allow WebDriver to Override Incompatible.
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- Noel BurgessSteel Contributor
HotCakeX wrote:Microsoft Edge is now integrated with Windows Speller on Windows platforms 8.1 and above. This integration provides greater language support, with access to more language dictionaries and the ability to use Windows custom dictionaries. There is no further action needed from the users when a language has been added in the OS language settings and a language spellcheck toggle is enabled in Microsoft Edge settings.
A propos of our recent conversation, autocorrect is apparently still not implemented despite this update. My mispellings are still mispelt.
- Spoiler
Noel Burgess wrote:
HotCakeX wrote:Microsoft Edge is now integrated with Windows Speller on Windows platforms 8.1 and above. This integration provides greater language support, with access to more language dictionaries and the ability to use Windows custom dictionaries. There is no further action needed from the users when a language has been added in the OS language settings and a language spellcheck toggle is enabled in Microsoft Edge settings.
A propos of our recent conversation, autocorrect is apparently still not implemented despite this update. My mispellings are still mispelt.
Ah why do you keep saying auto correct?
when did Microsoft say Edge is going to have auto correct?
Spell checking != auto correct
like I said earlier, auto correct is a feature handled by OS, not individual applications.
Windows 10 has auto correct in the settings (+ text suggestions) which works in all applications/programs.
Start -> Settings -> Devices -> Typing
- Noel BurgessSteel Contributor
when did Microsoft say Edge is going to have auto correct?Look at my screenshot in the other conversation. This is what it says:
"The built-in spelling checker that autocorrects or underlines misspelled words and offers correction options is not currently available. Were sorry for the inconvenience and we will get this working as soon as possible."
Windows 10 has auto correct in the settings (+ text suggestions) which works in all applications/programs ......except Edge!
- Noel BurgessSteel Contributor
Interesting. My Edge Dev is still at 81.0.416.11 and reports itself as up to date. I wonder why Dev is apparently lagging behind Beta.
- tomscharbachBronze Contributor
Noel Burgess "Interesting. My Edge Dev is still at 81.0.416.11 and reports itself as up to date. I wonder why Dev is apparently lagging behind Beta."
Ditto. I'm experiencing something similar with Windows 10 builds, too. On the computers running the production build of Windows 10 my app icons are little by slowly switching over the new designs, apparently through Windows Store app updating. On the computer running the Windows 10 Slow Ring Insider build, nothing has changed to so far. I imagine that it will all settle down in time, on both fronts, but it is odd to have the cart seemingly ahead of the horse with both Edge and Windows 10 builds.
- Spoiler
Noel Burgess wrote:Interesting. My Edge Dev is still at 81.0.416.11 and reports itself as up to date. I wonder why Dev is apparently lagging behind Beta.
I was also expecting Dev to move over to version 82 yesterday but Idk, something is going on, I hope they tell us what
- Noel BurgessSteel Contributor
I hope they tell us what
They did, just a few hours later: .