Forum Discussion
Oct 26, 2020Iron Contributor
Collections in compact mode (similar size like whale/coccoc/opera) or add a sidebar like coccoc
plus if i save a picture to collections and i move this picture to reddit, imgur, etc., you don't upload the picture.
the same happens if i select a picture, drag it to a new tab and drop to imgur/reddit/etc. (this means without using collections)
goal is to have a second favorite bookmark bar with reduced space. at the moment i don't really like collections (to big design, i can reach the same with a simple folder in bookmarks), and i don't like your new bookmark sidebar too (like i reported you before, because of the conflict with the original bookmarks panel), same for the sidebar tabs.
i don't need a sidebar like opera, where i can access facebook directly (for example) but more something in coccoc style. wish you maybe add something like firefox note for sidebar/collections (sync with a different account from edge). or a good note / todo extension (without need to use bookmarks for sync).
example: i use on all my profile different bookmarks, but all profile will have the same sidebar. same like i do in safari with all my 60+ mac user. on every user i have the identical configuration of
(where i can store even 400+ links using various workflow). with coccoc such thing is not possible, the amount of link is a bit limited, but i already like the idea to offer such things.
this extension is a bit similar to the suggestion
another option is to add this on the bottom, since sidebar tools are always less length compared to bottom tools (except if you are using iphones or you need to clean your mac due to a problem on the keys ehehe xD). so a collection/bar on the bottom in the style of (this example is only about the position).
other missing features in collection:
1) no way to select the day and click add all to bookmark folder x.
2) no search option (like HotCakeX already reported before)
3) import export (but this is something i wrote you always). every feature should have import export, so i can have similar setting on multiple profiles and browser. a whole export import is not a solution. is better to export specific bookmarks folder, the whole bookmark, collections, opened tabs, history, etc instead of exporting 1 single file. 1 single files is only ok for the first import (but in such case you duplicate library files).
4) you copy as
Microsoft Edge is getting a new sidebar search feature and Pinterest integration - The Verge
OneNote Web Clipper - Microsoft Edge Addons
would be cool to copy only as www
4b) if i repaste what you copied in 4) you create a note
5) drag drop from colletions to apple desktop doesn't work too
6) todo not available in collections
7) autohide after x seconds/minutes and avoid to show me that inside /setting or specific websites
😎 at the moment i use to less such feature to give you additional suggestions
All my other suggestions are here:
Suggestions I liked from other user here:
Chromium suggestions list 1: and 2:
From end 2020-10 all suggestions are written on both Edge and Chrome at the same time, suggestions before 2020-10 are available only on Chrome.
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