Forum Discussion
Jun 16, 2022Brass Contributor
I like EDGE and use it since alpha ,a huge PERFORMANCE BUG(since 118 ,the bug can't avoid by flag)
This long thread will take your some time to read. A long-term BUG or design problem regarding the integration of EDGE and WINDOWS Explorer (EXPLORER.EXE) ALT+TAB view. This bug is very unbear...
Apr 06, 2023Brass Contributor
Recently, the #edge-window-tab-manager flag has been added back to the Edge browser, finally solving a bug that had been bothering me for more than 10 versions. As shown in the picture, by default, Edge's tab handles and GDI objects are completely injected into the explorer process (I usually open 1000+ tabs because I don't use bookmarks much). When the number of GDI objects exceeds 10000, explorer will start crashing continuously. I tried changing the threshold to 15000, but it didn't work. After disabling this flag, the browser finally returned to its previous smoothness.
I would like to request the esteemed developers to implement a filter when submitting tab information to explorer, instead of blindly submitting all data. Explorer cannot handle so much tab information. For example, only the most recent 5/20/100 tabs should be submitted. Moreover, explorer should have some validation awareness because the alt+tab function to display Edge tabs is disabled, and it should not receive and store this information (it should be ignored). In terms of performance, the computer runs as smoothly as Dove chocolate after disabling this flag. When it is enabled, there are various lags.
近日的edge版本中加回了 #edge-window-tab-manager 这个flag ,终于解决了困扰我10个多版本的bug,如图所示,在默认情况下,edge的tab句柄和gdi对象会被完整的灌输到explorer进程(我平时常常打开1000+tab,因为我不怎么使用收藏夹)。在gdi对象超过10000后explorer会开始不断的崩溃,我将阈值改为15000但没有用。在disable掉这个flag之后,浏览器终于返回了从前的丝滑。 我想请求尊敬的开发者们,explorer并不能处理如此多的tab信息,是否应该在提交tab信息给explorer的时候做一个过滤器?(如最近5/20/100个tab之类的),而不是一股脑的提交数据,explorer那边也应该有校验的意识,因为我的alt+tab显示edge标签的功能是关闭的,他本不应该接收并存储这些信息(应该忽略)。在性能方面,关闭这个flag后整个电脑运行的如德芙般丝滑。打开后就各种卡顿。
Oct 15, 2023Brass Contributor
this bug appear again with edge 118
neither have the #edge-window-tab-manager flag and fix the bug.
neither have the #edge-window-tab-manager flag and fix the bug.