Forum Discussion

HotCakeX's avatar
Dec 17, 2019

New Feature: New Tab Page (NTP) weather, greeting message and option

Another New Feature in Edge insider Version 81.0.367.0 (Official build) canary (64-bit)


the New Tab Page (NTP) has got new stuff added to it.

  • Showing greetings based on user's Time (Good morning/Good evening/ Good night)
  • Showing weather and temperature based on user's location (Celsius and Fahrenheit units based on user's regional preferences)



* it appears on all NTP layouts, I only chose custom to remove distractions from the screenshot


** If you click on the weather and temperature, you will be taken to the MSN weather where you can see more details and forecasts.

  • P.S don't worry if you are not seeing this in your Edge Version 81.0.367.0
    it is part of the controlled feature roll out and country restricted right now.
