Forum Discussion
Nov 04, 2020Iron Contributor
PP1: I'm trying to transfer my 200 chrome profiles to edge, but i see a big problem
PROBLEM (PP): 1 Classification: GOOGLE
PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 10 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high)
I like that i don't need to click 10000 install extension messages, i just see 2 banner where i need to confirm, all other is done automatically.
Where is the problem? i lose the whole setting of my extensions. 200 extension in random mode that need to be reconfigured one by one.
Please try to save the exact position of my chrome extensions, so that i see the same in edge too.
Reorder 1 account with few extensions is a point, reorder 50 is another.
i just wish to continue same workflow i'm doing on chrome with chrome://flags/#extensions-toolbar-menu support on edge, since such google apps with old ui are not compatible with apple cpu soon**. google has no idea to revert such thing back (now i restarted another discussion about the extension problem).
this is why i want to start to use edge for such accounts. for me is ok if you implement this feature in 2021 or 2022 too, but please add it. at the end now i'm still using sierra - mojave on all my macs.
i wish i could simply tell edge "connect to google sync and download extension order file". so you import such setting without need to activate google sync on my mac. i just need a web login.
Between the 2, the fact that edge should be able to keep extension order is more important.
** we need to remember that both chrome dev and beta sidebyside version (and enterprise version soon too), that google just released, are not chrome://flags/#extensions-toolbar-menu compatible.
- KamSilver Contributoredgesuggestions Ok, ok I saw the edit. How did you create 200 chrome profiles in the first place, what made you create all of those, and how did you try to transfer the profiles?
- edgesuggestionsIron Contributor
Kam at the beginning all my chrome accounts were created one by one from 0, like my macos users. but after 20 you start to hate it (it's all the same again and again), so i batch create it using a chrome sync account to install extension. i have about 10 different chrome sync accounts (some with 20 extension, other with 100, other with 200, other with 400). i do the same with edge accounts (not related to chrome). in edge i just copy library files, is much faster. at the moment i have only 1 edge sync account. this is why i want to import my 10 chrome sync accounts to edge.
at the moment i need to start the transfer. obviously i need to do 1 by 1, because is not possible to transfer 5 at the same time. probably i will import only 100 accounts to edge (the most important). due to the random extension order problem i prefer to wait until edge fix it.
- KamSilver Contributoredgesuggestions Then how is this a suggestion? Isn't this a problem? Put "PM" for problem.
- KamSilver Contributoredgesuggestions I thought this is supposed to be SS30 (did you delete SS28?)
- edgesuggestionsIron Contributor
Kam yes, i wrote 28 because showed me 27 as last post ... i discovered the error later. thanks