Forum Discussion
Mar 14, 2020MVP
Set Aside Tab Feature | Collection Added to Edge insider Dev and Canary
- Now you can Set your Tabs Aside Quickly and reopen them later.
- these tab groups Can get Synced with other devices that have Edge browser installed (Only desktops for now) so you can also resume your work from another computer.
- The tab groups that are set Aside are non-volatile, meaning they are not automatically deleted once you reopen them (unlike Edge legacy's behavior)
- you can give custom names to the tab groups you set Aside.
Here is a 1080p 60FPS video to show you how easily it's done:
- DeletedMar 30, 2020
HotCakeX Thanks for getting the news out and kicking off this discussion. 🙂 I'm thrilled to let you all know ( PNvmkpk YgorCortes seancorfield SOI_7 ) that this feature has now been fully released to our Canary and Dev channels! Here's our official announcement from our What's New page:
"Save multiple tabs to Collections
We have heard from feedback that you are using Collections to organize your web projects, and that there should be an easier way to save and open all tabs you're working with. That is why we're excited to announce that you can now quickly save all your tabs and reopen them using Collections. To save your tabs to a collection, simply right-click on a tab and select Add all tabs to a new collection. Tabs in your active window will be added to a new collection with the option to rename it. To reopen those tabs, right-click on the collection and select either to open the items in the current window, a new window, or an InPrivate window.
We would love for you to try this feature out and hope you send us feedback! You can send us feedback via the chat icon in the top right of the browser, or by reaching out to us on Twitter at @MSEdgeDev."
As always, we'd love to get your feedback about this feature. Enjoy!
Fawkes (they/them)
Project & Community Manager - Microsoft Edge
- DaxEdu21Copper Contributor
HotCakeXGive it the option to set an easily accesible button like in the classic Edge and the capability of storing the navegation history of the tab like before and will be substitute untill that I found it quite worthless, not easy to found for new users increase considerably the amount of clicks to access the feature and doesn't even do the same, for those who might not know what I mean with navegation history of the tab, in the classic Edge you can restore a tab from Set Aside Tabs and you can use the back button to go where you where before, with collections that is lost, so is not very different of storing them in favorites,
- xunderworldxBrass Contributor
I feel like were getting nowhere with the effort to have this added. Anyone have any new information on this?
- cjc2112Bronze Contributor
xunderworldx They seem to be focusing all their efforts on improving collections and trying to satisfy STA needs with it. They also have bigger fish to fry and this is one of the lower priorities.
- BMurriBrass Contributor
Without preserving the navigation history in each of the saved tabs, this feature is still useless to me.
- Deleted
HotCakeX Thanks for getting the news out and kicking off this discussion. 🙂 I'm thrilled to let you all know ( PNvmkpk YgorCortes seancorfield SOI_7 ) that this feature has now been fully released to our Canary and Dev channels! Here's our official announcement from our What's New page:
"Save multiple tabs to Collections
We have heard from feedback that you are using Collections to organize your web projects, and that there should be an easier way to save and open all tabs you're working with. That is why we're excited to announce that you can now quickly save all your tabs and reopen them using Collections. To save your tabs to a collection, simply right-click on a tab and select Add all tabs to a new collection. Tabs in your active window will be added to a new collection with the option to rename it. To reopen those tabs, right-click on the collection and select either to open the items in the current window, a new window, or an InPrivate window.
We would love for you to try this feature out and hope you send us feedback! You can send us feedback via the chat icon in the top right of the browser, or by reaching out to us on Twitter at @MSEdgeDev."
As always, we'd love to get your feedback about this feature. Enjoy!
Fawkes (they/them)
Project & Community Manager - Microsoft Edge- Dennis5mileSilver Contributor
Personally, I LOVE this idea for Collections so much that I now use it every day and have been since HotCakeX first posted this Post. I think it is 10(TEN) times better than "Set Aside Tabs" ever was! Every morning I open 7 Tabs for 7 different websites that I work in. With Set Aside tabs I would have to hit the "button" to set those tabs aside again after working in those tabs each and every time or I'd have to open each tab separately fresh all over again. With the Collection feature they are Always there and no need to place them in a Collection after every time I worked on those sites.... Open Collections, Open that collection, click Open ALL and poof they are all opened in a new window. When done, just close that window/new opened browser instants and all is done. No need to resave or anything else. You can NOT get any simpler than this. And every time I open them they are right where I left off the last time in them.... It's not rocket science.....
- AlexvrbBrass Contributor
Dennis5mileThat's a different usage scenario, because collections is (at its core) a different feature. What works perfectly for you might not be optimal for everyone. See, the way I use set aside tabs is basically for stuff I ran out of time to look over and/or address. So when I reload tabs, they get used once, and I close them. I don't need to manually go back in and delete them. Until they give me an option to make them volatile, they're barely better than bookmarks for me.
- sickaaltaarCopper Contributor
this step takes too long and its useless. please add "set tabs aside" feature like edge legacy.
I hate this stupid collection and I'm force to return to edge legacy. collection is useless
- Why
- MostropovichBrass Contributor
when will this feature be available? If I right click on a tab I do not have any option like "add to collection" or similar. Only save to Favourite. Deleted
Mostropovich wrote:when will this feature be available? If I right click on a tab I do not have any option like "add to collection" or similar. Only save to Favourite.
It's currently on available in Canary and Dev channels. it will soon be available on other channels as well, first Beta and lastly Stable channel.
- AlexvrbBrass ContributorAgreed. Needs a single button for set-aside, needs to have an option for volatile, and needs to retain nav history (not quite as important for me but still nice). Until then, it's just a stopgap.
- DaxEdu21Copper ContributorYou said all the feature needs to implements in a very few words bravo, you've earned a like
- Good point, collections normally only save links to contents but I think Edge team can manage to save navigation history into the collections that are generated by saving open tabs.
- YgorCortesSteel ContributorThere should at least be an option to make it volatile, but this is already some AMAZING news! I really hope Microsoft implements the other features asked from people here in this thread (an button, a shortcut and a way for them to be continuously updated.)
- Agreed, great suggestions too 🙂
- MostropovichBrass Contributor
I totally agree. the single button to set aside all the open tabs was one of the best features in Edge. I browse a lot for business and setting aside all the tabs related to one search and starting a new session for another search and recall the previous search when needed was a matter of two clicks - simple. Now I have all the tabs set aside in months, grouped in "groups" with no names so I have to open each single group, give it a name in order to recognise what is inside the anonimous folder icon. Time consuming!! SOI_7
- Spoiler
Mostropovich wrote:I totally agree. the single button to set aside all the open tabs was one of the best features in Edge. I browse a lot for business and setting aside all the tabs related to one search and starting a new session for another search and recall the previous search when needed was a matter of two clicks - simple. Now I have all the tabs set aside in months, grouped in "groups" with no names so I have to open each single group, give it a name in order to recognise what is inside the anonimous folder icon. Time consuming!!
Groups can be given names in Edge:
you can activate it here: edge://flags/#tab-groups
also when you set all tabs aside in a Collection, it automatically gives them a name but you can change them if you want but it's not necessary.
- Well sure yeah, this is not final, just the beginning, i guess 🙂
- hussain5416Steel ContributorThis one is available on edge dev since last week.
hussain5416 wrote:
This one is available on edge dev since last you have it on Dev channel?
- andrewvinciBrass ContributorLooking good. Keen to give it a go. Having them as non-ephemeral will be great.
Having them as "continually updating" would be cool too. If you close or open a tab, it updates the "set aside group".
andrewvinci wrote:
Looking good. Keen to give it a go. Having them as non-ephemeral will be great.
Having them as "continually updating" would be cool too. If you close or open a tab, it updates the "set aside group".I like this idea and find it useful too, for example I load up my tab group and start browsing and opening/closing websites, next time that I want to close Edge I don't have to add them again to that same collection, because the tabs will automatically be saved in the collection that I opened first. of course no duplicates should be there..
cjc2112 wrote:HotCakeX It still seems a bit too time consuming, like there should be a button next to the collections button to make life easier.
I was intentionally working x3 times slow in video for demonstration purposes 😉
they could add a separate button at the bottom of the Collections button, like that button appears when you hover over Collections button ( to save space ) and that button will add all open tabs to a Collection.
but you still need to right-click on each collection to open all of them. there are too many options to choose from.
"open all" , "open all in new window" , "open all in a new inPrivate window" , "delete collection" etc.
- seancorfieldIron Contributor
HotCakeX This is good to see -- thank you! I don't have that feature available yet (although I'm on the latest Canary) but I'm looking forward to it rolling out. Seems like a good time to enable the Collections button on the toolbar again 🙂
I noticed the scope of this experiment is expanded now in Version 82.0.458.0 (Official build) canary (64-bit), you can update your browser and see if you have it now
- seancorfieldIron Contributor
HotCakeX I seem to have it on all my machines now, on both Canary and Dev builds, and it's working well enough to satisfy me, as a replacement for Set Aside Tabs.
There are definitely some improvements possible -- adding it to the right-click menu on the non-tab area of the toolbar, for example, which already repeats add all tabs to favorites, even tho' the wording differs (why?); adding a shortcut key for it; showing tab information on hover for tabs in the collection (not just the collection name!); adding the time to the auto-generated name for the collection (since I'm going to be setting aside multiple tab sets during the day); adding a setting so the Collections pane is open on each new window created (and on a browser restart).
I haven't used Collections up until now because I just didn't find them useful but just adding this one feature (SAT) is likely to make them a core part of my browser workflow. I wouldn't have expected that.
seancorfield Rohit Yadav Thanks, yes I believe soon it will be rolled out to a bigger test group in Canary channel