Forum Discussion
Oct 30, 2020Iron Contributor
SS18: better site specific settings - password, suggestions
Suggestion (SS): 18 Classification: SITE SPECIFIC SETTING
PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 7-9 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high)
Even if we click mai (never) you continue to show this again and again and again
If i click mai, you should "ban" such website. if i want to save things again, i need to unban it in the setting.
Same for suggestion of previous password, suggestion of email, address, name, location, etc. I should be able to ban such features inside a specific website.
Another point: please never implement the password suggestions when we create new accounts (like safari 12), which slow down workflow at all if we need to batch create a lot of accounts every day.
Same for "do you want to save the mastercard (mc)?". i never bought with mc on edge, but if you ask such message again and again like safari, add an option to disable save mastercard. Such things, and bank/money related website, should never save any type of infos.
About PayPal, i don't know if Edge can help with that, but i noticed that they still activate OneTouch login or keep the login active after a purchase. Please add a way to logout automatically from paypal once purchase is done. I hate that paypal keeps my login active. i already reported such problem to paypal, and they didn't fix it at all.
About the topic addresses, remember this, so just add 1 address and remove all other auto generated, and avoid to add auto generated.
- EricStarkerFormer EmployeeThanks for your suggestions. We've removed the rest of this thread on the request of the Edge team as the conversation following was not productive and somewhat off-topic.