Forum Discussion
Nov 05, 2020Iron Contributor
SS32: tab groups limitations
Suggestion (SS): 32 Classification: tab groups PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 5 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) Tab groups limitations: 1) no way to select the tab, right click and select “select...
Nov 05, 2020Steel Contributor
Tab group are a chromium feature, and is not yet activated, so this suggestion must be done on the chromium project not the edge one.
- edgesuggestionsNov 05, 2020Iron Contributor
Wittycat is on edge too, if you use the flag. first i wrote chrome, then i checked with edge if there were same problems.
- WittycatNov 05, 2020Steel Contributoryes on the flags and Microsoft don't do any support for the flags who isn't already activated by them.
And here it's a chromium feature microsoft haven't activated, so i don't see why they will change something to a function of chromium they don't use (for now)