Forum Discussion
Nov 05, 2020Iron Contributor
SS34: smart auto quit mode - multiple edge profiles
Suggestion (SS): 34 Classification: QUIT PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 3-4 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) i already use different quit apps to manage my 9000 mac apps. i use it for edge too, but...
Nov 05, 2020Iron Contributor
i told edge devs that i will report all type of limitation and suggestions i discover during my workflows, they can keep it has idea, no need to implement all. i just write all what i discover. i know that maybe a lot average user don't need so detailed features. i still think that for edge devs is a + to hear both average and pro usage suggestions. i know that a lot of features are available via extension too. To be correct i hope that google implement such features (available via extension), edge can choose. The reason? because in edge there is still the extension box, on chrome i have the problem of max 20-25 extension on the toolbar, without any way to access all others.
At the end i lived all these years with such limitations, like i need to cohabit with all limitations inside macos. About datahoarding, probably such things are on the end of the edge list, because "no one, or only few" matter about hoarding. I give ideas, they can pick what they want.
Last time i told them too, for me the most important feature is "ability to transfer from chrome to edge". all other is secondary (except the box of 10-12 x Y extensions**). this is why i use 50+ browser, every browser has other features.
PS: i don't do it only with edge, but even with 400+ mac apps devs. obviously if i submit a list of 400+ suggestions, like i did with apple, i don't expect every suggestion is implemented. But even that 400 of 400 are not implemented too. Because i still think inside my current 200+ edge suggestions there are things other user wants too (example if you search "close to left", there are different posts).
** this is the main reason why i use edge as main browser near chrome, safari and firefox. before chrome://flags/#extensions-toolbar-menu remotion i used edge only rarely.
Nov 05, 2020Silver Contributor
edgesuggestions Ok, ok. Whatever. 😞 You hurt my feelings.