Forum Discussion

edgesuggestions's avatar
Iron Contributor
Nov 10, 2020

SS43: new buttons overlay to go to the right/left - toolbar in firefox style

Suggestion (SS): 43 Classification: BUTTON AND TOOLBAR
PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 2-3 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high)


About go to next tabs i already reported you different other alternatives (example via smart <> buttons),  and yes i know the ctrl tab way too. I know about km and bbt combination in macos too, like i know about a similar option in macos


for trackpad (which i hate at all).


About the <> i want to ask edge devs to add ability to move such buttons on the right (where i have my extension). So extensions and buttons should be available on both left and right, like we can do in Firefox. This especially once you implemented my suggestion of smart button, where reload, home, <, > are able to do a lot more compared to what they do now. If you don't implement smart buttons, i don't have the need to move such buttons to the right.


Now about go next tabs, Edge could think to implement something like few extensions are able to do (but doesn't work really good) and google offers too (google search, not chrome).


This means once we move the mouse to the right, you show us the same like google does (this small button <>). Same for the left part.


Do you want to add smart features to such buttons too? Perfect, add a way to click cmd + > and we go to the last tab to the right. Same for cmd + <. Or other combination, if users don't like cmd...

  • So many unknown acronyms used that makes the post confusing to understand. non-English screenshots don't help either.
