Forum Discussion
Aug 05, 2020MVP
Vertical Tabs look Good!
managed to get it on Edge Version 86.0.598.0 (Official build) canary (64-bit)
They are a little premature and basic, still need to evolve a lot.
but for now the tab previews work, tab grouping and colors work and the main button for switching between horizontal/vertical view works.
there is a big gap here which I don't understand why it's there. probably a placeholder for an upcoming feature.
overall I like it and looking forward to a more evolved experience from vertical tabs soon.
I hope they do something like that, because it'll make sense and saves space.
when people use vertical tabs on the left, it takes up some space, so instead they need to free up some space at the top to compensate for that
- Dennis5mileSilver Contributor
WooHooo, finally have Vert Tabs in Canary and it is not a fluke.. lol.. Before todays update it showed up after my system rebooted from a windows insider update and there it was and just to be sure I closed the browser and rebooted my system again and there it was and after todays canary update it is still here.. 😄 one happy camper here...
- Limyx826Iron Contributor
Finally get it as well. 😃
- Congrats guys xD
- mickeyjuicemanCopper ContributorI should have complained about this months ago - it's just appeared in my browser as well 🙂
- mickeyjuicemanCopper ContributorI keep checking the canary build in the hopes that I'll get the vertical tabs and then I can try it properly, but this idiotic controlled release thing means I'm still using Firefox.
- Totally get it, if I still didn't have it I'd feel the same..
- Dennis5mileSilver Contributor
Your either going to laugh or be as bewildered as I am...
I've not had vert tabs yet on my pc's... Now Yesterday my daughter was having trouble with edge on her laptop, so I take and give it a go-over, she has an "HP Pavilion 15-cr0037wm X360, 15.6" FHD Touschscreen, Intel i3-8130U, 4GB RAM, 16GB SSD, 1TB HDD, WIN 10" The problem was a bad cookie, but while I'm there I log into my account and update canary while I have her laptop to the latest version. Version 88.0.673.0 (Official build) canary (64-bit), and when edge reboots, low and behold what do you think I find.... yep Vert tabs!! Now why on "my" microsoft account etc.. would I get Vert Tabs on the same version of Can on her laptop, but not here on my desktop pc.. ? This is tooo funny..
Dennis5milelol that is funny but um there is a thing called user ID or something like that, a unique identifier for each Edge installation. I think they distribute experimental features among those IDs randomly (while taking IP location into consideration to see if user resides in a supported country) and that's why you get different features.
- Dennis5mileSilver Contributor
Hhmm, so your saying that even though I log in with the same MS Id in all installations of canary edge on any pc/laptop will not matter because each edge installation has its own id..
That is SOO wrong, if I have the exact same setup on all my canary installations I should be getting all the same features, rollouts or not.. At least I'd think so... Another reason for them to just give to all Can users.. lol
Dennis5mileP.S. to clarify, I'm not saying you're wrong, but that I think they should take another look at how they set rollouts up.. 😄
- Merc410Copper ContributorDefinitely no longer working. not sure whats going on but we havent even heard it mentioned
- Dennis5mileSilver ContributorSigh; still no vert tabs here....... Any new changes to them yet?
Dennis5mile- Not really, it's strange they don't let people in the same channel to use that feature..
- Dennis5mileSilver Contributor
Yeah, I think they should give to more folks at once than they are now and more often... But ah well..
I just received the "Share, Copy & Paste" feature that @MissyQ posted about 2 days ago and that was on Dev and not Can. Funny too as I don't use Dev except when testing a fix or when Can is down for one reason or another...
lol, I'll probably get Vert tabs on Dev as well.. hahahaha
- Dennis5mileSilver ContributorDon't have it. Would love to have it, but not happening yet...
Dennis5mile- eguifSteel Contributor
- YgorCortesSteel ContributorOh wow I absolutely LOVE it! Can't wait to get it 🙌🙌🙌
- hussain5416Steel ContributorThis is why I hate controlled rollouts
- They are bad and confusing when they apply to the same channel. instead of this, they can roll out specific features to certain channels such as Dev and Canary, not separate people using the same channel.
- Neon01Steel ContributorTotally agree. It's annoying, I never get controlled feature rollouts. Seems you're being on better terms with the developer team than me, haha. I'm jealous 😉
So as I still can't use vertical tabs, could you tell me pls if they're scrollable? I'm lazy and usually keep 40+ tabs open, so this would be a key feature for me, since you can't scroll tabs in the toolbar. Thx
- eguifSteel Contributor
Hello hussain5416
I also don't like controlled launches