Forum Discussion
Aug 23, 2020Silver Contributor
What happened to back button and refresh button on YouTube PWA
I today installed YouTube PWA from the Microsoft Edge Canary channel and what I saw is the back and refresh buttons on the left of titlebar are missing. I only saw it on the YouTube PWA. Has anyone else noticed this? Please resolve this issue as soon as possible as it makes unable to use the YouTube PWA johnjansen Deleted
Back and refresh buttons missing on the left of titlebar in the YouTube PWA.
TheShaunSaw thanks for the feedback on this. It's actually by design at present. The YouTube manifest includes the displaymode property for "standalone" which the w3c spec indicates should not have an address bar nor other UI components, though browsers MAY include a "status bar" and a "back button". The displaymode that includes refresh and back is called "minimal-ui". I'm not sure why youtube opted for standalone.
I'll do some follow up with that, as well as possibly reconsider our design and start including the back button if nothing else...
- GryphouCopper Contributor
TheShaunSaw @johnjansen eguifThis is not a solution, navigation becomes a real purge.
I'm not going to tell all sites to change their configuration...The return arrow is a minimum for normal navigation.
For Youtube for example, if I want to go back to a channel, it's impossible without having to go back to the home page, it's ridiculous.
- eguifSteel Contributor
Hello Gryphou
You can read about what a reddit user has posted and if it will work for you
I haven't tested
In a certain excerpt he says "PWA Manifest Remover: This one overrides the manifest.json some sites have. Lets be honest, I don't know a single site that uses the manifest correctly. Sites like YouTube and Twitter remove the" back "button either deliberately or by accident because Edge follows the settings of their manifest.json files.Even this site, Reddit, has an incorrect name for the PWA ("App" instead of "Reddit"). This script fixes that. If you already have a YouTube PWA, remove it and create the PWA after this userscript loads, and the back button should return. "
- eguifSteel Contributor
Hello Gryphou
Of course, this is far from a solution
As I mentioned, alternatively you can use the F5 button to refresh the page
You mentioned that you just want to go back to the previous page
Again, alternatively you can go to edge://flags/#edge-backspace-key-navigate-page-back and activate this flagAfter that, you can use the backspace button
- TheShaunSawSilver Contributor
If the PWA you are using doesn't have the control on the titlebar, you can use those functions through the context menu or by using keyboard shortcuts.
- johnjansen
TheShaunSaw thanks for the feedback on this. It's actually by design at present. The YouTube manifest includes the displaymode property for "standalone" which the w3c spec indicates should not have an address bar nor other UI components, though browsers MAY include a "status bar" and a "back button". The displaymode that includes refresh and back is called "minimal-ui". I'm not sure why youtube opted for standalone.
I'll do some follow up with that, as well as possibly reconsider our design and start including the back button if nothing else...
- Rohit YadavBronze ContributorDare you speak that! Do you know how senior he is in the team? He is working on the browser and clearly knows a lot better than you.
Everyone seeing this comment, please report the above comment to the mods. - GryphouCopper Contributor
johnjansenAny news about this problem?
I also have a few other sites that have the same behavior:
Could you fix this problem quickly?
Thank you in advance.
I look forward to hearing from you.
- johnjansen
Gryphou thanks for asking. As I mention, this is by design. The sites themselves indicate they want to have the "standalone" appearance, which means no back or refresh button. What they should do is change their manifest so that the browser will include those buttons.