Forum Discussion
Sandro Reiter
May 29, 2020Copper Contributor
Unable to enable Edge sync in Hybrid AD environment with Win10 VMs in Azure
Hello @all, I am currently facing an issue that I couldn't handle by myself. We are having trouble to enable the (new) Microsoft Edge sync feature for all of our users, when they sign-in to a pub...
May 29, 2020Steel Contributor
Sandro Reiter Guten morgen Sandro,
How do users log on to the Windows 10 system?
Did you take a look at edge://signin-internals/ and edge://sync-internals/ when doing the authentication to see what is going on?
My guess you have a support agreement with Microsoft because you use Azure, open a ticket!
Regards, Henno
- Sandro ReiterMay 29, 2020Copper Contributor
Henno_Keers Hi Henno, the users AAD Connect synced and sign in with their upn. Ticket at MS support is already created. I didn't know before that signin- and sync-internal URLs are existing 😄
We have different issues for different users. But the most I have seen is
Disable Reasons Waiting for sync url TokenService Load Status Load credentials failed with no refresh token for signed in account - Henno_KeersMay 29, 2020Steel Contributor
Sandro Reiter In advance of the contact of MS support you will get I suggest that separate "the different issues" and treat them as entirely separate, so gather all relevant data preferable via Kepner & Tregoe situation appraisal and noting everything down in a KT problemsolving template.
Key is:
when did the issue started (date / time)
Is there a "IS Not"; what system do work but could in potential have the same deviation?
A domain joined real PC would be nice to have as a IS Not (working).