Forum Discussion
Jul 18, 2020Gold Contributor
create a kind of Gantt beam from a Working time sheet
Hello people need help too,
Would like to create a kind of Gantt beam in this worksheet.
Would like to enter the working hours (von=from, bis=to) in sheet "January", in three Duties ( Dienst1, Dienst2, Bereitschaft ) and in MA1 to 9 (colleagues) as well as the TeamChief, in the end it should be in the specified beam in sheet "IND1" should appear.
The bar / timeline should appear (“IND1”) in the default color and row of the colleague I insert the working time in sheet “Januar”. Only the entered working hours should appear with color in sheet “IND1”, everything else without color in the row.
In the end, the VBA code should be so that I simply copy it into the next sheet every month.
A very nice person wrote me this VBA code (which I am also very grateful for) to accomplish my project. However, due to my VBA ignorance, I overexcited his good mood.
I tried all the days to make it on my own, but without success.
That’s why I contact the community.
Any help in any kind is welcome and would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to read my request.
If it could come to a solution, I would not only be happy, but also to do a somersault ... and that at my age :-))
- NikolinoDEGold ContributorIn the end I solved the problem myself ... more exhausting ... but solved ... with conditional formatting.
Ps. If someone could still have a VBA solution ready, this is also very welcome to me.
I know I don't know anything (Socrates)- KKeoghSnrBrass ContributorSomeday, someone, somewhere, will need the answer [the Very Best Answer !!] you've provided here Niko .... someday !
Master At Work for sure 🙂