Forum Discussion

DanDonohue's avatar
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Jan 14, 2025

Applied Skills & ARB Guidance Document - Partner Feedback Requested

Hello TSPs, 

One of the recurring pieces of feedback we get are questions regarding the relationship between Applied Skills and Advanced Role-based (ARB) courseware. In October, we released a document titled Applied Skills and ARB Certs Suggested Guidance which aims to bridge that knowledge gap between the products.

We'd like to get your input on the usefulness of that document and what ways we can alter and improve it (or create others) to best suit your needs. 

Please take a moment to complete this feedback survey. The survey includes both scale and free-form questions, and all results will go directly to the product team. You'll also find the document linked in the header of the survey for easy access. 

Thank you in advance for your time. 


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