Forum Discussion

ethanchal's avatar
Copper Contributor
Sep 22, 2022

Unable to deploy PowerShell scripts to a newly co-managed device with Intune

Hi there,   I am having issues deploying a PowerShell script through Intune to a device that has recently become co-managed with Configuration Manager. The CCM client was successfully installed and...
  • ethanchal's avatar
    Sep 26, 2022

    Hi Rudy_Ooms_MVP , thanks for looking into this.


    Some good news, the PS script pushed down to the device automatically this morning (including a Win32 app). For clarity though, IME was installed a few weeks ago and partially working on the day of the issue, since I was able to push down a configuration policy and see the settings take affect. Looking back at the logs for when a sync occurred all that stood out to me was a line that said:


    [Win32App] Exception occurs in application poller thread, the exception = System.Exception: Failed to get device id...


    But since nothing was changed over the weekend, I think the issue was just not giving the device enough time to recognise it's MDM for the Client Apps workload was now Intune, not ConfigMgr.
