Forum Discussion

alitaqvi's avatar
Iron Contributor
Oct 28, 2020

how to add multiple users in teams chat in one go

how to add multiple users in teams chat in one go it doesnt accept any semicolon nor comma. I want to add bulk users in chat and start the chat

  • FS_AUS's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Limit of URL characters seems to be 2048, how can I add a user list which creates a 2469 character URL?
    There seriously has to be a better way than this right Microsoft?
    Dynamic distribution list perhaps, like Communicator/Skype had?

    The Outlook reply by IM is elegant but you first have to have an email with the required users to reply to.
    Not going to email 100 people with a blank email.

    • cjbarth's avatar
      Brass Contributor

      Limit of URL characters seems to be 2048, how can I add a user list which creates a 2469 character URL?

      I would suggest that you leave off some people and then add them in manually later. It still gets you farther ahead than otherwise.

      • FS_AUS's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        Ah yeah that's pretty much the only solution if doing it by deep URL manipulation but with 100+ people adding manually one by one isn't an option.
        Microsoft needs to fix this, it's a productivity killer for something that should be as simple as adding a DL.

  • VipsIND's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    If you are using outlook and if you have an email that includes the required members - open the email and select "Reply All with IM".

    • cjbarth's avatar
      Brass Contributor

      VipsINDI don't see such a button, nor have I heard of it. How did you get it enabled? I have Teams installed and Outlook installed, so I would expect it would just be there.

      • VipsIND's avatar
        Copper Contributor


        - Open an existing received / sent email

        - Click on Message

        - On the Messages options at the end click on (3 dots which I believe it's also called hamburger icon) as below

        - It will show the following menu options:


  • MaggieH's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    alitaqvi Hello Ali,

    On the left side panel, right click on the CHAT and select NEW CHAT from the drop down or press CTRL + N to start a new chat.

    In the TO: field across the top, enter each person or group, no commas or semi colons required.

    Then click on the SEND button.



    • ITAVA2021's avatar
      Copper Contributor


      "On the left side panel, right click on the CHAT and select NEW CHAT from the drop down or press CTRL + N to start a new chat.
      In the TO: field across the top, enter each person or group, no commas or semi colons required.
      Then click on the SEND button."

      Hi this does not work as described. Soon as I enter one person, it creates the chat to a single person and I am unable to add a second person. To clarify, I am attempting to add external users to a chat. Regardless, MS has always used a semicolon across all their software to add recipients. These external users are added in teams contacts, and also I entered them in a group. However entering the group, as the dialog requests, does not work either.

      After over an hour messing with it, I just texted the people till I can figure it out. It should not be this difficult. Why Teams cannot access my Outlook contacts as it does my calendar is beyond me also. Re-entering contacts is a waste of everyone's time.

      • VishwasTayade's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        VishwasTayadeITAVA2021 : Faced same issue as above. I had to copy & paste the id's individually & its consuming lot of time. Maybe allowing comma or semi colon separated to update multiple addresses would be MUCH BETTER.

    • alitaqvi's avatar
      Iron Contributor
      In the To field i can't insert bulk email ID to start a group chart. It doesn't recognize bulk together if put them with space without, coma , semi colon etc. Nothing works. Any suggestions to start chat with bulk users.
