Forum Discussion

Dominic_Jomaa's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 02, 2022

M1 Macbook Pro - Monterey - Teams Calls Consistently Disconnecting



I have both a personal M1 ( Max ) Macbook and a work issued M1 ( Pro ) Macbook, and have noticed on both that with a fresh install of teams, running against Apple Silicon, Rosetta, running in Chrome Web and Edge Web, that Teams constantly disconnects from and reconnects to calls, making meetings very difficult. The activity monitor never seems to show any spikes or drops when ever these events occur, it simply seems to lose the call then 6 seconds later recovers. 


Macbook Pro - M1 Pro - 32gb - Monterey ( 12.6.1 )

Microsoft Teams Version


Any help would be appreciated,


  • anduain's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Dominic_Jomaa  - 

    Curiously I have this problem almost every time I hang up after a Teams conversation.


    The call works perfectly fine, headset and keyboard have no issues during the call but when the call is disconnected then the Bluetooth devices are disconnected for about 6 seconds, then reconnect.


    Doesn't happen with Google, Chime, Zoom, Webex - only MS Teams (Mac).


    I've deinstalled and reinstalled, even did a full reinstall, due to a new laptop, same issue.

    • anduain's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      For information - this problem does not occur on the WebApp.
