Forum Discussion
Mar 26, 2021Copper Contributor
Microsoft Teams RoOms : Theme Template (Font color)
Dear Microsoft,
We are having our Albert Czech republic headquters equiped with about 40 Microsoft Teams Rooms rooms and in many others across the globe.
Questions are:
- How to use full capability of screen resolution for background ?
Some of our screens are capable of doing 3840 x 2160 pixels with 30hz refresh rate and we want to use pictures with 7680x 2160 dimensions.
Microsoft suggests actually only "lowresolution dimensions 3840X1080 pixels" for two screens background.
- How to change font color on default screen? (or how to create our own template, we need bright backgrounds, ...)
Default screen means when Microsoft Teams Rooms NUC system got signal from TAP sensor, then following screen appears...
(on picture in first position is "Default Template", second is our "Actual Template" and in third position is "Template that we need").
Custom Theme Photoshop Template
Please help.
We tried scripts and steps from:
Remotely manage Microsoft Teams Rooms device settings - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Docs
(<Theming> <ThemeName>Custom</ThemeName> <CustomThemeImageUrl>file name</CustomThemeImageUrl> <CustomThemeColor> <RedComponent>0</RedComponent> <GreenComponent>255</GreenComponent> <BlueComponent>0</BlueComponent> </CustomThemeColor> </Theming>)
...did changes only for background.
... on following picture there is green color that we put into script and we have been looking for as Font color. But this green is showed only in menu in location where is possible to choose betwen Templates.
This green does not appear anywhere on screen.
Thank you so much for reply
Best wishes
Jan Tvrdík
IT Specialist
(from history
- Jan_TvrdikCopper Contributor4K wallpaper is possible when Microsoft Teams Rooms version is 4.16 and higher and SINGLE Screen.
Needs also specific *.jpg
If *.jpg exported whatever software with %100 quality, then maybe you will not make this "up and running". So take standard Microsoft Paint, open your 4K jpg wallpaper and SAVE it.
To avoid cropping of background images, use the following image dimensions (based on 1080p display standards) for each screen aspect ratio respectively:
• 16:9 – 1920 x 1080 px (minimum image dimension required for room displays)
• 21:9 – 2560 x 1080 px
• 3:2 – 1920 x 1280 px
• 16:10 – 1280 x 800 px (minimum image dimension required for room consoles)
If a 4K image with a 3840 x 2160 px dimension is applied to a 4K display, the full image will be shown. However, if the dimensions of the image and the display do not match, the image scales to fill the frame while preserving the image aspect ratio (without letterboxing) and/or the image is cropped from the center. For example:
• If a 1080p image (1920 x 1080 px) with 16:9 aspect ratio is applied on a 21:9 display, the image scales to fill the frame without distorting the image, and is cropped from the center
• If a 4K image (3840 x 2160 px) is applied on a 1080p display, the image is cropped from the center
Note that once these new custom background XML settings are applied, the legacy custom theme settings will be disregarded. For more information, see - Jan_TvrdikCopper Contributor
Set up and manage Teams Rooms on Windows custom backgrounds - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn
I hope this helps for new version of User Interface (4.16;4.17;...)
- PStaffordCopper ContributorI've just made a feedback for this. Hopefully Microsoft changes this in the future. - CyDraYCopper Contributor
Manual arrangement:
- ChrisPrestonCopper Contributor
Hi Jan,
Where you able to use a higher resolution image than the Microsoft template 1080p resolution?
We have 4k TVs in our meeting rooms, and the 1080p wallpapers look awful, especially when the overlaid content is native resolution and looks super crisp! I'm not sure why Teams can't adapt to a custom size image.
Chris- CyDraYCopper ContributorGreat afternoon ChrisPreston,
I did many tests with pictures of different resolutions and there was no success. 😣
Image has to be excatly the 3840x1080 .
That actually makes us upset probably the same way as you.
Our screens are having also 4K pixel resolution and yes, that 1080p wallpapers really do look "awful", "ugly", ....
1080p quality of source image simply does not meet the quality of technology that is equiped with 4K resolution as basic.
We can probably only hope for better future in this case.
Mar 26 2021 06:29 AM : almost year without response from Microsoft
Best regards
Jan Tvrdík
- ashkirbyCopper ContributorAnyone seen a workaround or any hacks to get the font colour anything other than white? I need to set a light coloured corporate image as the background but the font becomes way to hard to read then as it really needs to be black!
- CyDraYCopper Contributor
Huge Hi to anybody :),
Please, we would appreciate even help with those templates provided via Microsoft .
Does anybody have any idea if there is any for example HTML5 Template (customizable)? Or how are those Templates constructed?The Scripts provided on Microsoft pages shows posibilities to change colors for Custom Templates, but we still have no idea how to create such "Own Design of Reactive Template".
We found our own workaround, but this is not usefull for cases when we need to often change backgrounds due to Marketing and Corporation needs.
"unusefull workaround for weekly changing wallpapers":
create JPG background with integrated rectangle about 40% of transparency
BUTnot only because our monitors are from many different makers with different resolutions, we have no chance to know where exactly those rectangles we should place. So before changing each screen we have to arange exactly possitions for about 3 to 10 times in picture editor and also with any following background change.
Because we are in corporate retail, we are also about seasons and daily new adverts, so we also needs to update those backgrounds very often.
And truly our workaround works for final users, but this workaround really does not work for all of us who are maintaing those devices!
Looking forward for help with Microsoft Teams Rooms Templates.
Best regards
Jan Tvrdík
IT Specialist
- CyDraYCopper Contributor
Following picture shows:
Time and room details are positioned originally from Microsoft, but appearance on our screens is equal to position of showed rectangles for Philips monitor (we also do have Samsung, Panasonic, ... with different pixel dimensions)
CyDraY I've never got the RGB colours to do anything. Maybe Greg Baribault has an idea on this?