Microsoft Teams Rooms
21 TopicsLogitech Tap Scheduler
Hi, We're currently unable to log in to our Logi Schedulers with the attached error. We've previously been able to log in to these without having to do anything in Intune. Our config allows Azure device registration from Android devices. Are there any current issues that's affecting this or is there a fix? Logging in with MTR account with Team Room Pro licence. Thanks!5.6KViews0likes8CommentsUnable to Auto Login on Microsoft Teams Room devices ?
Experts, We recently joined our Microsoft teams rooms device to Azure AD and upgraded OS from Win10 1903 to Win 10 20H2 (automatic updates). We are not pushing any policies on this device either through SCCM or Intune but after Azure AD joined and system upgrade when the device is rebooted it did not auto login with default Skype user account, its getting stuck on login screen and waiting for user to hit enter. This is big issue now as end users need to hit enter manually to get teams rooms app launch. I tried to set AutoLogon registry also (which it was not present earlier) but still no luck AutoAdminLogon = 1 (REG_DWORD) DefaultDomainName = blank (REG_String) DefaultUserName = Skype (REG_String) Has anyone experienced this before ? Please advice. Regards, Suraj15KViews1like7CommentsMTR account security best practices
When we set up Teams Rooms devices a few years ago, the best practice for account security at the time was to use individual resource accounts coupled with Conditional Access Policies that restrict the accounts to only be allowed to sign in on specific named/trusted network locations. At the time, MFA was discouraged as a complicating factor in the MTR authentication flow. With Microsoft's recent push to increase companywide security with a focus on MFA, have any best practices changed to include MFA for MTR accounts?369Views0likes0CommentsCan you find all your Teams Room System devices on Teams Client?
Hi, Hit to strange issue, when searching my room system devices on Teams client, I could not found all of them. Feeling is, I could find only the latest once, but not sure about that. Same issue with other users and Web App. The devices itself are working normally, but this search is lost. No help if I try to search by UPN or with display name. Any others has faced similar behavior?324Views0likes0CommentsCan you press "back" on Windows based room system?
Hi, Have others noticed that if you press "call" on the screen, you end to the following screen: If you try to press "back" on here, that makes no action. Only option is to wait that device realize that you are not going to do anything, then it goes back to the main view. If you type name, and make the call, that is working fine.523Views0likes2CommentsMicrosoft Teams Rooms in a Coworking/Shared Office
One customer is a Coworking/Shared Office company. This company uses Office 365 and let's say they are hosted at At this Office there are 50+ other small individual startups, all hosting their own stuff and most of them run Office 365 as well but with their own domain, for example, and so on. None of these companies are related to eachother. The Coworking company has 20 conference rooms and want to offer premium Skype/Teams experience in all these rooms. Any recommendations how you would do this setup? Would it be as simple as getting a certified MTR systems for each room, let get 20*Microsoft Room SKU licenses and then sharing Office 365 Room's availability and set ProcessExternalMeetingMessages to $true (link)?2KViews1like1CommentError running CreateSRSMedia.ps1 - Microsoft Teams Rooms USB image creation
When I run CreateSRSMedia.ps1 under an Administrator PowerShell console, I get an error: “Cannot convert the "System.Object[]" value of type "System.Object[]" to type "System.Version". At line:1 char:1” (Running it from C:\MTR\CreateSRSMedia.ps1). No useful information on what went wrong provided. Any idea what could be wrong??? It is step #1 on this page: I opened a Premier Performance Support ticket, but haven't been able to get a tech who knows what that script is so far. 😞Solved9.3KViews0likes8CommentsMS Teams Room call status is missing from the log since
Dear All, Since today, we see that the log file below no longer contains Teams call status information. I suspect it is because of the update, in which SfB support has been removed. C:\Users\Skype\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.SkypeRoomSystem_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Roaming\Microsoft\Teams\logs.txt Could you please tell me in which file the Teams call related entries are placed? Thanks, Laszlo713Views0likes0CommentsMicrosoft Teams RoOms : Theme Template (Font color)
Dear Microsoft, We are having our Albert Czech republic headquters equiped with about 40 Microsoft Teams Rooms rooms and in many others across the globe. Questions are: - How to use full capability of screen resolution for background ? Some of our screens are capable of doing 3840 x 2160 pixels with 30hz refresh rate and we want to use pictures with 7680x 2160 dimensions. Microsoft suggests actually only "lowresolution dimensions 3840X1080 pixels" for two screens background. - How to change font color on default screen? (or how to create our own template, we need bright backgrounds, ...) Default screen means when Microsoft Teams Rooms NUC system got signal from TAP sensor, then following screen appears... (on picture in first position is "Default Template", second is our "Actual Template" and in third position is "Template that we need"). Custom Theme Photoshop Template Please help. We tried scripts and steps from: Remotely manage Microsoft Teams Rooms device settings - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Docs Script... (<Theming> <ThemeName>Custom</ThemeName> <CustomThemeImageUrl>file name</CustomThemeImageUrl> <CustomThemeColor> <RedComponent>0</RedComponent> <GreenComponent>255</GreenComponent> <BlueComponent>0</BlueComponent> </CustomThemeColor> </Theming>) ...did changes only for background. ... on following picture there is green color that we put into script and we have been looking for as Font color. But this green is showed only in menu in location where is possible to choose betwen Templates. This green does not appear anywhere on screen. Thank you so much for reply Best wishes Jan Tvrdík IT Specialist (from history