Forum Discussion
Nov 06, 2019
Multiple Accounts in the Teams Desktop App
The iOS app for Teams allows me to be logged onto multiple accounts simultaneously, but not the desktop App.
Do we know when this will be coming?
The latest public information is that Microsoft is testing this internally and with some customers. It is listed as "working on it" in the uservoice request. A comment also says that they are planning to release it "this fall", but that I doubt.
- TomSesselmannCopper ContributorI'm working with multiple clients and I currently have 4 different accounts set up in Teams on my phone. Really wish I could do the same with the desktop app...
- Simone_C93Copper Contributor
Hi to everyone,
I managed to add another account to Teams Desktop app, this is still (for what I understand) a trial features, in order to add another account in Teams' desktop app you'll need to enable the update of the application from the Teams administrative portal.
So, first of all, log in to using an administrator account.
Select "Show all"and "Teams"
You should be redirected to
expand the "Teams" Menu and select "Teams update policies"I've created a "Test" policy in order to apply it only to my account for test purpose
In the new policy select the options as follow
Now go in the "Users" menu and select "Manage Users"
Search a user you want to assign the new created policy and click on "View policies"
In the user's page click on "Edit" in order to edit the Assigned Policies
Now search for "Update policy" and select the new policy from the drop down menu
Click Apply button and confirm.
Now, in the Teams desktop app of the user enabled you should see "Try the new Teams" in the upper left cornerClick on the flag and wait for new Teams app to download. Once completed the download Teams should automatically close and the new application will be opened
Now, clicking on your user icon in the upper right corner you should be able to see "Add another work account"
Hope this solves your issue.
Best regardsSimone
- rhk2404Copper Contributor
Simone_C93 All going well but in 'Use New Teams Client' I have only 'Not enabled', 'Classic Teams as Default and 'Microsoft Controlled' as options
- UBMike72Copper ContributorFrankly, I struggle to believe that MS is delaying implementing this feature for the application running on their own OS (Windows). I also need to access multiple Teams tenants from my desktop,
For now I've added "guest" accounts for my "main" account on the additional tenancies I need to access, so I can somewhat easily switch between them. Still a workaround with various limitations....- Thomas42Copper Contributor
UBMike72interestingly I have had that feature for a very short time in my teams client (was back on Windows 10) but
- my colleagues never received it, and
- after some updates it vanished on my machine as well
So, it seems to me that MS will (or can) not implement this feature although there is a huge demand on the users side.
Yes, and guest accounts can be a workaround. I added a "PWA-based client" to my desktop for other accounts, so you can open them in a separate browser window at least.
- kpemycomCopper ContributorWhen this highly requested feature will be finally available?!
It's a must for all cross-organisation workers. And there are many!- Posted in the feedback portal 11 days ago.
”Support for with multiple accounts a top priority and our engineering teams are actively working on it. We will share an update as soon as we have more clarity about the dates. Thank you for your patience, upvotes and continued feedback.”
- mo_sharpCopper ContributorThis whole topic is ridiculous.
Why TF is it marked as SOLVED????- At the time (2019) it was the "best response". The feature is being worked on and the latest official reply is found here
- gorchaseBrass ContributorIn 2019, according to Microsoft it was going to be completed in Fall. Then again in Q2 2020, then second half of 2021, now apparently end of 2022... Forgive us for not having faith Microsoft can deliver this feature every competitor has after 3 years of moving the goalposts.
As a project manager (who uses multiple accounts) I'd be fired long ago if I kept missing milestones for 3 years. I'd expect Microsoft to be a bit more accurate.
- branflake2267Copper ContributorI'm really looking forward to this feature being added!!!!!
- Danny2403Copper ContributorIt’s 2022. I try to setup the 2nd Teams account for my child on PC and found this discussion. Why Microsoft still ignoring this request?
- ProfessorFrostCopper Contributor
I came up with a clunky but acceptable solution for now; on my Mac I have simply created different computer user accounts for my different organizations, so that everything I need for one org is in one place. They are all associated with my specific apple ID, so I still have access to cloud things between different user accounts.
Not the best solution, as I have to switch users on my computer, but better than signing out of teams and signing back in and having to verify and blah blah blah every time; I can simply switch users on my Mac and use my fingerprint.
- drpaulatkinsonCopper Contributorwhilst I want Microsoft to sort this out I like this idea for a workaround, I can user switch on my macbook quicker then logging in and out and MFA into Teams.
Does it cause any problems with icloud? I have 4 organisations I work for that use Teams now - and likely to grow- nassooCopper Contributor
Come on, Microsoft - you're forcing users not to use your product!
- purchagaCopper Contributor
ProfessorFrost Yeah I've created the same workaround on my PC. I just login to my different profile for each business account.
But still clunky and time consuming when the Android app they have allows me to have multiple accounts on it so I can get all the notifications there. Then have to sign-in to the desktop one to respond/work on the request.
Super inefficient compared to being able to do all my work from one profile. This feature was rolling out in like Feb 2020 initially. And now all we've received is a personal and business account which is literally as useless as one account only. We want this for business Microsoft, the world of the contractor is WELL underway.
- SeanPDraperCopper Contributor
How frustrating is it to be the one who CREATES a Teams meeting only to get a message when trying to connect to the Teams meeting that the meeting organizer (ME!!!) has not started the meeting yet. Teams desktop app does not "spark joy"
- gorchaseBrass ContributorMy personal favourite is while setting up a Teams meeting and clicking "Meeting Options" which takes me to the browser and getting a "you cannot change the settings for this meeting because you are not the organizer"... yet I'm literally in the screen organizing the meeting...
- audunspelloCopper ContributorWhen will this feature be made available? I have multiple accounts that I regularly need to switch between. I looks like I'm not the only one that need this. Spend very much time on Microsoft Teams in these covid-19 times. The feature is long awaited.
- Jurgen_BosmansCopper Contributor
Is there any light about the Multiple Accounts in the Mac Teams Desktop App?
- HLangbartelsCopper Contributor
Jurgen_Bosmans It does work, but not as one might think.
The only way to login with an additional Non-Personal account works as follows:
1. Close the Teams Desktop App
2. Find an E-Mail with a Teams notification for the desired account (I used "Foobar has sent a message") and click the "reply in Teams" link.
This will open the link in your browser (I used Safari) and prompts to open the Teams App.
3. Login with the corresponding Organisation-Account.
4. Done. Now the MacOS Teams Desktop app will let you switch between your organisation accounts.
It worked for me. I never used more than two organisation accounts but I don't see any reason for it not to work with more.
- Thomas42Copper Contributor
audunspello just recognized, now you can use another account... but only a private account. That does not really make sense. Why would I use a private account in addition?
Seems that Microsoft does not care or is not capable of accomplishing that task.
- gorchaseBrass Contributor
Lucky you, it's after February here but I still don't have access to more than one account. Not that accessing a private account is any bit useful as you mentioned... Guess I'll keep using my multiple private browsers or switch clients away from Teams to the multitude of other options with this functionality.
- pemishCopper ContributorLatest Update:
February 2021 seems to be the date finally.
P.S: Is it that haaaard for a company such as Microsoft to get these kind of features out to the public ? quite 2 years in development !! REALLY ?! 😐- Thomas42Copper Contributor
pemishas you and many others, I am waiting for this feature for a long time already. In a user's perspective, this is just not comprehensible. And, from a technical point of view I would believe that it is some kind of medium complexity. Additionally, we all know that iOS and Android implementations have that feature (since ever or so...).
Altogether, I believe that Microsoft simply sets other priorities. However, this is really frustrating.
- henrywoodCopper Contributor
Well said and couldn't agree more. This is by far the biggest pain with Teams, especially when competitors have been able to add this feature (from the start) and even Teams has it on their mobile platforms as you mentioned. Microsoft, please make this a priority, fortunately your marketing department was ingenious in bundling this with Office 365 making it difficult to switch to competitors. The ironic part is this is only an issue if you use Microsoft Windows, you seem to have resolved it for all operating systems but your own.
- gorchaseBrass Contributor
pemish and even at that they only seem to maybe be bringing functionality of one personal and one business/school account despite the app allowing multiples of each. As henrywood states, he uses 4 different accounts for business, as do many of us (I use 3) so when it's finally launched we still won't have the functionality. For now I just open multiple Private browsers and login to each one, but that's super inefficient and not exactly user friendly.
- photon6Copper Contributor
Tell me about it. I find this to prove that Microsoft is behind with their thinking.
- MyUsername123Copper Contributor
Yes, seriously behind in their thinking; they don’t get the gig economy with people working for multiple customers, nor do they understand there has been this thing called a pandemic where we are all working from home. Even the new rollout due out last month will only allow one personal and one work account. These requests are not new and go back many years to Lync/Skype for Business.
- gorchaseBrass ContributorYup, I have since received the "Feb" update that wasn't there until March. Meaningless though as one personal and one business account solves nothing since I don't use Teams for personal communication and don't know anyone else who does... maybe students...? Either way, this is not just available on other software, it's literally available on the Microsoft Teams Mobile App just not on desktop. So they've figured it out, but only kinda.