Forum Discussion

davistodd's avatar
Copper Contributor
Dec 31, 2019

Teams: Banner Notification Duration



Is there a way to allow the Team Banner Notification to be customized such as the duration the notification stays up. 


Business Case: A busy medical office needs to communicate with the rest of the staff via Teams, but a staff member is going in and out of all the exam rooms. While the Red Dot notification in the system tray is great the Banner Notification is more noticeable.


Problem: Banner Notification disappears after 15 seconds.


Request: Customized the duration of the Banner notification for up to an hour. 


Thanks, Microsoft Teams for all the hard work you have put into this product. 

  • You cannot customize the notification duration currently. Recommended work around is teach you users to not close Teams, but to minimize it and have it pinned to the Taskbar, it will glow yellow etc. and be more noticeable than the systray.

    I wish when you close Team and had the option to always stay on, it would stay in taskbar but that's not the case.

    We def. need customization notifications. Duration, what is shown on them (Include the chat message or not), location etc.
  • Sanjay_joshi110's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Hi, Is there any latest update on this thread ? can we still not control banner notification duration ?
    • mark_murphy_j's avatar
      Copper Contributor



      Microsoft Teams Classic allowed longer notification duration.  The new Teams app seems to ignore the notification duration in O/S settings [Win]+i -> Notifications.  I hope Microsoft resolves this oversight soon.

      • Wookieou's avatar
        Copper Contributor


        Has there been any update regarding the missing feature in the new Teams version? Specifically, the pop-up settings and duration seem to be locked within Teams, and users still cannot adjust how long the pop-up notification stays visible.

        Any insight would be appreciated.




  • You cannot customize the notification duration currently. Recommended work around is teach you users to not close Teams, but to minimize it and have it pinned to the Taskbar, it will glow yellow etc. and be more noticeable than the systray.

    I wish when you close Team and had the option to always stay on, it would stay in taskbar but that's not the case.

    We def. need customization notifications. Duration, what is shown on them (Include the chat message or not), location etc.
    • Lionel Sleeper's avatar
      Lionel Sleeper
      Copper Contributor

      ChrisWebbTech ,


      This really needs to be fixed.  Skype opens a chat window and leaves it open until you consciously close it or respond.  But with everybody working from home, if I turn away from my computer for a moment, I miss the banner completely.  Although I understand the workaround, our company employees have been unhappy with this aspect of Teams ever since we switched from Skype.

      • lukelloyd's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        Lionel Sleeper I completely agree. Having been forced from Skype (which worked great for chat messages) to Teams (where notifications are poor) I find myself missing messages all the time. I am dreading when Skype actually stops working!
