Forum Discussion
Sep 23, 2021Copper Contributor
Move and Copy of Files in OneDrive App for IOS in connection with Shared Libraries
I would like to recommend some additional functionality for the OneDrive IOS app.
If we work with OneDrive in connection with Teams or SharePoint, we have to use SharePoint shared libraries to access files. OneDrive is missing some important functionality to handle files in this use case, esp. features to copy or move files are missing.
IOS is missing a good file manager as well. The built in Files app relies on 3rd party apps when it comes to cloud storage. That means, it will communicate with i.e OneDrive app to handle files in the cloud. And it only can do what OneDrive app offers.
So I would like to see copy and move functionality in the context menu of OneDrive IOS app when I work with shared libraries.
As a workaround we can use the web version of OneDrive. But that means a lot of context switching.
The usability is not good any longer. In my opinion, if the functionality is missing, working mobile or on the go with the app turns useless.
- jamesholthausCopper Contributor
This thread is old, but thought I'd answer in the hopes that this might help as none of the other answers were worth much.
Answer is for IOS 17.4
If you go into the Files app on IOS and click on the ... blue buttons in the top left hand corner it will let you select files. Once you select files an icon will appear in the bottom of the screen showing a box with an arrow pointing up out of it. Selecting this will bring up a list of apps to upload to with OneDrive being one of them if you have it installed. selecting onedrive will let you browse the folder structure and put the selected files where ever you want them. This can be done in the Photos app as well on you would click on the select word at the top of the screen and the box with the up arrow is at the bottom as well
To move files around in the once drive app, use a PC, it's easier.
- pabjv1315Copper Contributor
jamesholthaus Following the proposed route I cannot select a folder shared either by me or someone else. Also moving from my personal Onedrive to a shared folder is also impossible
- snooyedCopper Contributor
jamesholthaus , yes, this kind of works.
BUT... when the OneDrive folder is "explored" for the first time, it takes a while for the contents to "register". We must give Files an opportunity to know that the subfolders exist. And often, this will give an error that the file or folder does not exist. Especially when we are already in the process of copying or moving a file.And this error message (presuming we didn't wait enough for Files to register the folder) gives the impression that file copy or move is not working.
- Yihao_ChenCopper Contributor
Hey guys,
Sharing a walk-around solution if it’s helpful.
To have the duplicate (or copy) function, I usually use the iOS system APP “Files”. You would need to make sure the OneDrive is added to the “Files”, then use the “Files” to visit your OneDrive filepath. Choose select, select the file you want to copy and then “duplicate”. It’s pretty fast. However, it may take some time for “Files” to sync with OneDrive cloud.
Hope this helps.
- Stuart YoungCopper Contributor
If you only have a small OneDrive this workaround is plausible.
Many of us are now using Sharepoint/Teams with multiple sites each with many files.
To not have the simple move/copy ability is completely unworkable.
SP on iPad cannot even edit SP pages!
The iPad is not a useful option at the moment without these basic functionalities.
For viewing it is fine but editing, copying etc…not yet by a long chalk.
- creekhouseCopper Contributor
agree with OdoMaletzki , without this functionality added you can skip adding the suffix ’for business’ - seriously, you cannot ask users in a normal business set-up with teams and libraries to have to use different apps for the most basic and used functionality - Move and Copy! If anything, this functionality should be seemless and availabel between the apps.
- JConroy75Copper Contributor
Yes, please add copy and move functions to Excel and OneDrive for iOS. Unfortunately, these apps are of questionable value without these functions.
I need to go to a PC to copy Excel “master files” before I can use them with iOS. Rediculous.