Forum Discussion
Jan 06, 2017Random 'Attachments' folder appeared in OneDrive for Business
Has anyone else seen this? A new empty folder called 'Attachments' has appeared in all our users' OneDrive account and we can't figure out why. Searching online hasnt returned any sugges...
Salvatore Biscari
Jan 11, 2018Silver Contributor
The "Attachments" folder is where the email attachments are saved from OWA to ODfB: in fact, it was purposely introduced at the beginning of 2017 together with the ability to save attachments from OWA to ODfB. See
It is automatically created in the root of each user's ODfB, also if you never use it, and it is recreated if it is deleted.
So, there is nothing to fix: this is by design.
Which other folders do you see magically appearing?
Kevin Zahm
Jan 11, 2018Copper Contributor
This answer doesn't make sense. I had an "E-mail attachments" folder created but I've changed all the attachment preference settings to "Always attach them as copies" (I like to control my own file locations, thank you). the "E-mail attachments" folder has not been seen since; the one we are asking about is called simply "Attachments" and regardless of someone's design, I have not chosen to use it, not been able to figure out what is creating it. I just want to be able to disable it.
As I said, I control my own file locations, than you very much, not Microsoft.
- Salvatore BiscariJan 11, 2018Silver Contributor
Hi Kevin Zahm
Are you speaking of One Drive for Business or of OneDrive Consumer?
In OneDrive for Business, the folder is called "Attachments" and it is the folder where the attachments are saved from OWA (and it cannot be changed):
Try it by yourself: go to OWA and save an attachment to ODfB:
As you will see, the attachment will be saved (quite obviously...) to the "Attachments" folder in ODfB, regardless of your settings.
Hope it helps...
- Kevin ZahmJan 11, 2018Copper Contributor
One Drive for Business.
OWA also used to create an "E-mail attachments" folder, which I was able to prevent.
Your answer is the best so far, but the point is, I would never save to a default destination, and never to a generic "Attachments" folder. I never have, but every time I log on it re-creates the folder. Yes, I delete it every time, its my file structure thank you.
OK, it understand that currently it can't be changed, but it should be possible to change this behavior. I can set the download destination in my browser to "choose every time" I should be able to do the same for my e-mail. It's not a "feature" until it's optional.
- Guilherme FreitasJan 11, 2018Copper Contributor
I'm trying to understand your concern on this, not sure why you are worried about this folder and no matter you remove it will be recreated, it is part of ODFB default schema. Just leave it there.
I think you are misunderstanding it, this is not a download folder, you can download files wherever you like on you storage. This folder is used specifically for automatic online file sharing. In Outlook client, you may attach the file and upload to OneDrive. This folder is part of this logic, when you take this action the file will be stored in the Attachment folder and shared with your intended recipient.
I hope that helps. See attached.