Forum Discussion
Jul 29, 2024Copper Contributor
Outlook 365 spell check prevents manual editing of errors
When creating a new email in the online version of outlook, spellcheck recently started blocking manual editing of misspelled words. For example, when typing "on", I accidentally pressed the "p" key and typed "pon", which corrects to "pun", "pond" or "pony". I used to be able to disregard the suggestions and just manually fix the word, but now selecting the word locks you into the popup bubble and typing does nothing. You need to select before or after the misspelled word and arrow key your way into the misspelled letter to correct. Turning off spellcheck entirely eliminates the full functionality and I don't want that.
- Pia-MarieCopper ContributorTHIS!
I have had this issue for a while now, with the new Outlook client.
I am typing in English and German and tend to be a "type quick and fix later" person.
The spell check highlights every fourth word, because it doesn't like the bilingual text.
Since this has ben happening, I struggle with fixing typos, because the automatic pop-up almost never contains what I wanted to type, while also preventing me from just overwriting.
Instead, my routine is now "click into the word, hit ESC, and then start fixing".
Half the time I forget to hit ESC and end up accidentally archiving emails from my inbox, with the backspace shortcut.
This feel almost unusable. - andy1690Copper Contributor
Jordan_Juengel I'm having the same issues as reported by others including accidentally deleting emails - it's been driving me nuts. The extra level of hand holding it seems to be trying to provide is insulting, meanwhile it is seriously hampering my work. How did this get out the door? This should be rectified immediately. At the very least let us turn off the behavior.
- Avi_FASCopper Contributor
SAME ISSUE. It's very annoying, this must be a new feature rolled out quietly. At least quietly enough that I did not notice it. This is a horrible change.
- gerardricardo01Copper ContributorSuper annoying, and actually quite dangerous. If you go to type on the word and the spelling comes up, any letter can direct your emails to weird places. For me it send my emails to the archives. I wish they just made the functionality the same as word, and requires a right click.
- Speedy_666Copper Contributor
gerardricardo01 I had the same issue but hadnt realised this is what the cause was.
I lost some important solicitors e-mails for this exact reason and only later found they had been archived. I'm grateful for pointint this out.
I type quite quickly but cant look at the screen at the same time so can go full sentances before looking up. In the meantime several options through letter "shortcuts" can create commands you arent even aware have happened. - Jordan_JuengelCopper Contributor
gerardricardo01I actually had the same problem for a while here (hadn't connected the issue to spellcheck, but it fits) but you can solve that by disabling keyboard shortcuts. With these on, pressing the "backspace" key archives the selected email. Like you would if you were, say, fixing a typo... Turning it off fixed that for me at least. Haven't experimented with the other shortcut options, but if you are OK with not having that functionality the option is available.
- bertiebozCopper Contributor
Jordan_Juengel Thank you for this suggestion - I am just replying to say this does not work for me.
I cannot overwrite the misspelled word. Once I hover or click into the misspelled word, all I get now are the spelling suggestions. If I 'esc' out of the editor, I am not in the word, and if I click or double click the misspelled word, I'm back at the suggestions. The only way to correct the word (if the suggestions aren't right) are as the OP said above : click before or after the word, and then backspace / delete the misspelled word and retype it.
This was not how it worked before. The word would be light-red highlighted and spelling suggestions would come up, but you could double click the word and it would change to blue and you could type over it.
So now my spell corrections go from half a second to 3-5 seconds. With a load of misspells (I tend to type quickly, fix later) this is killing my productivity. This only seems to be happening in Outlook in (Office 365).
Does anyone else have an answer here please?
- info15Copper Contributor
This has been frustrating me as well. My dyslexia makes me types some words with letters in the wrong order, or its just a genuine mistype. Instead of me quickly fixing the word when it gets highlighted, I have to do extra steps now and its a pain in the **bleep**. They need to give us an option to edit highlighted words again..
- avwijngaardeCopper Contributor
Reporting the same issue. it is driving me nuts. Also when a space is missing between 2 words, and trying to add it manually, the popup just selects one of the suggestions.
In my use case I type multiple languages and don't change checking language to my mother tongue because I am more than able to correct it myself.... until this bug with the spelling checker arose.
- Speedy_666Copper Contributor
Same issue. Getting really frustrated and cant see how to turn off the pop up box.
- lansaldoCopper ContributorI have this same question! I have tried to change my editor settings and can't get it so I can just retype misspelled words. So frustrating.
- spjtmawCopper Contributor
Same here - but mine has an added issue that if it try to edit the word, even just one letter, then it often deletes a message in my inbox! The cursor is in my right hand window with the email open, and remains there, but a message in the left hand window is deleted. And does so each time I try to delete a letter in the word - so I then have to go to deleted messages and reinstate them. And of course, still the misspelled word remains incorrect, so I need to delete the whole word, starting with a space to the left [i.e., not with the cursor up against the last letter of the target word, which would delete emails...], delete the whole word, and retype it correctly, lest the whole process begins again. It is slowing me down enormously, and is a vast retrograde step compared to pretty much any other spell checker, ever... [the one on this webpage is vastly better than outlook now - which used to be pretty good, better then Gmail, but now Gmail is massively better than latest new iteration. anything is better, tbh]. It is especially bad if you write emails in a technical area, where the suggested words are just irrelevant.
I guess I will have to find a way to turn off spell checker or write in Word/Google docs, and then paste across...