Forum Discussion

MartinUl's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jan 08, 2025

Legacy Gold into Solutions Partner designation license benefits experience

Hello guys,

Please anyone have an experience with the below situation regarding switching Legacy Gold into Solutions Partner designation license benefits ?

We had a Legacy Gold Solution license benefits purchased on 5th December 2023 so was counting that the renewal period will be 365+30days = 5th January 2025, however they’ve switched off our E3 licenses somehow already on 6th December 2024 and actually admitted that if we’ve asked for the extension earlier than they would be extended successfully and that it was our responsibility to notice them earlier………that’s something I don’t agree but ok so we’ve started to solving our situation, which was earning the Solution Partner designation and to switch from Gold Legacy into Solution designation -  but the next planned data refresh for CPORs was 20th December and we’ve been encouraged by the MS service team (I’ve created 2 tickets via Partner Center) to buy and extend the Gold Legacy package as we have no other chance in the time manner till 20th December and most likely based on the actual (October’s) results we’ll not earn it… we bought Legacy Gold license package…..

But guess what…..1 day later some unplanned data refresh happened on Partner Center and we’ve obtained the Solution Partner designation badge, but option for purchasing Solution Partner designation was not available anymore as we’ve bought day before the Legacy Gold package………..

I was escalating that immediately that we would like to switch from Gold into Solution benefits based on the situation and consequences above, but after almost 2weeks of discussion literally nobody was able to ask for any exception and got answer that escalation team declined that request without any further details.

Anybody please have any recommendation what to do or any best practice which could help us ?

Based on the benefits what the Solution Partner designation package is bringing this year it’s crucial for us.

Thank you in advance, cheers.


  • Response from the team:


    1. Cloud benefits are active for 365 days after being activated.  Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program benefits FAQ - Partner Center | Microsoft Learn


    1. Data is generally refreshed around the 20th of each month. Additional smaller refreshes happen multiple times a month as the latest telemetry is pulled into Partner Center. We have a current month plus previous 5 months qualification window to give ample time for partners to qualify and prepare to purchase Solutions Partner Designations.


    1. Once you have activated any of the benefits associated with your Gold purchase, any refund request will be denied. 


    1. If you have not activated any benefits, support should be able to provide a refund.


    I hope this helps! 


  • Response from the team:


    1. Cloud benefits are active for 365 days after being activated.  Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program benefits FAQ - Partner Center | Microsoft Learn


    1. Data is generally refreshed around the 20th of each month. Additional smaller refreshes happen multiple times a month as the latest telemetry is pulled into Partner Center. We have a current month plus previous 5 months qualification window to give ample time for partners to qualify and prepare to purchase Solutions Partner Designations.


    1. Once you have activated any of the benefits associated with your Gold purchase, any refund request will be denied. 


    1. If you have not activated any benefits, support should be able to provide a refund.


    I hope this helps! 


  • Hi MartinUl,

    Unfortunately, the rules here are clear: you have to wait until the next anniversary to be able to purchase the Solution Partner Designation.


    What happens if I have active legacy silver or gold benefits but later qualify for a Solutions Partner designation?
    Microsoft automatically upgrades you to a Solutions Partner designation as you qualify. On your next anniversary date, if you still qualify for the Solutions Partner designation, you can purchase the Solutions Partner designation benefits.

  • MartijnElfers's avatar
    Steel Contributor

    The Legacy Competency renewal is a separate thing from the benefits renewal. If you activated your benefit licenses on 5th of December 2023, they do expire with 12 months, so on 6th December 2024. Only your Competency renewal has a renewal timeframe of 30 days, within that time you still have access to the benefit keys and can still activate licenses part of that Competency. But once activated, the subscription is only active for 365 days. 

    So that makes complete sense and is inline with Microsoft documentations. Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program benefits FAQ - Partner Center | Microsoft Learn & Silver or Gold Membership - Partner Center | Microsoft Learn

    "12 months from the date when the keys were redeemed on the Microsoft admin portal."

    "Office keys redeemed with the previous membership are valid for 365 days from the activation date."


    Regarding the achieving of the Designation, as you renewed your Legacy Competency and afterwards earned the Designation status, you should have been auto 'upgraded' to a Designation status. Thus you don't need to purchase that anymore, probably why that option is not available now. Silver or Gold Membership - Partner Center | Microsoft Learn.

    "What happens if I have active legacy silver or gold benefits but later qualify for a Solutions Partner designation?"= "Microsoft automatically upgrades you to a Solutions Partner designation as you qualify."


    So I don't think you're having any issues here, as you already have a Designation status now and should be able to activate those benefits. 

    If your Competency has not been upgraded to Designation, then you should log a ticket asking Microsoft to do it for you. As you're entitled to a free upgrade to Designation. 


    • axperience_gra's avatar
      Iron Contributor

      JillArmourMicrosoftI really do not understand why you ask Partners to help here. Obviously, Microsoft (!!) declined another Partners request to help so how could we as partners help here?

      This whole Legacy Benefits (as well as Designation Badges) is a complete disaster. But of course, resulting in more turnover for Microsoft (sorry for my sarcasm, but it is what it is).

      Good luck Martin, I doubt you will find somebody here who could help you...

      • JillArmourMicrosoft's avatar
        Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

        axperience_gra I ask partners in case they are aware of resources or details I am not aware of. Some people like to share the knowledge they have to help other partners; it's not meant to be a nuisance. I won't tag you in future posts. :)
