Forum Discussion
James Jackson
Nov 09, 2018Add Location Details to SharePoint Data and Content
We are excited to announce a new capability for SharePoint lists and libraries. The new location column allows you to add rich location data from Bing Maps or your organization directory to any Share...
Jan 24, 2020Copper Contributor
I can't seem to make the location column work. I can add it to a list through the modern experience but it doesn't show as an option in classic. Also when I add the Location column, the Type property is blank. I can choose city,state,zip etc but when I click save there are no Location:city, Location:state … linked fields in my list. I've tried to add the location column in all 3 major browsers but it still doesn't work. Is there some trick to making it work?
Pam J.
Apr 30, 2020Iron Contributor
I was testing this out in my tenant today. The option to add Location is there and I can link it to the other field but when I do a search I just get the spinning blue circle. I there something else I need to enable to get search results in the location field?