Forum Discussion

PGO's avatar
Brass Contributor
Feb 13, 2025

Microsoft Lists not allowing creation of new item

For more than a few days now when clicking on the [+ Add New Item] button it does nothing.

Looking at the Console I see it producing the error shown below.

I've tried incognito mode with no help on Edge and Chrome on Win 11pro... 5 other users on different machines are experiencing the same thing. 

Anyone else experiencing this or know if this is a known issue being worked on?  Thanks!



  • As of 2/27/25 It appears this is now fixed.

  • PGO's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    As of 2/27/25 It appears this is now fixed.

  • DRO's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I'am having the same issue -cannot add or edit any record, only in grid mode- since I installed the 2025-02 Cumulatieve Update for Windows 11 Version (KB5051987) at 17 February. On IOS operating system it works fine.

  • costelad's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I'm having the same issue. Perhaps a recent update has caused this.

  • Mistalia's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I am also having the same issue. Worked up until a few days ago. Hoping for a resolution soon.

  • RodolfoKanto's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I'm having trouble editing my data, I can't access the window that appeared by double clicking the items on gallery view, to attach files, and I can't attach files on list view.


    something went wrong in a week with the program itself.

  • JxGreenz94's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Created an account just to follow this... Have ran into the same issue in the past few days with no idea why it was happening. Use MS Lists for side business, am using a List I created and am the only user / owner. It's very odd and frustrating.

  • PGO's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    I am trying to use Microsoft Lists Preview via a Microsoft 365 Family account. It is shared & managed by a different family member but the List is one that I created.

    I tried creating a new empty list and have the same issue.

    I don't have a link or access to any other lists from a different site.

    Thanks for your help!

    • PGO's avatar
      Brass Contributor

      I should add.. this list has been working fine for over a year.. and just recently ran into this problem.

  • PGO's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    ... also when clicking on the Feed Back button it will also error and not show the content. Both issues could be related.



    • ArefHalmstrand's avatar
      Steel Contributor


      Are you admin on the site that has this issue?

      Could you try with a list on another site? Do you have the same issue elsewhere or is it only for a certain list?

      Yours sincerely,
      Aref Halmstrand

      • PGO's avatar
        Brass Contributor

        Aref, how would I know if this has been submitted as an issue to MSFT? This seems to be an issue many are having but not clear if MSFT is working to fix this or not.  Thanks.
