Forum Discussion
John Wynne
Sep 20, 2016Silver Contributor
Rollout of Modern Pages to First Release Full Org
@davecohen Any update on progress of rolling out Modern Pages to FR Full org please? I've managed to sample via Select Users just keen to know current status. Thanks!
- We've rolled out to 10% of First Release tenants so far, and the plan is to go to 50% today. We're still doing some final analysis of the roll out data, and I'll update you all when we do expand the ring.
- Peter McdermottIron ContributorPerhaps a dumb question, but how do I see the new modern pages interface for an existing site collection? I am merely a site collection administrator.
@davecohen are the modern pages (sitepages) content type tied to specific pages? I was trying to add them to a pages library on a publishing site and i can't find the content type. What feature are these tied to?
sorry.. specific sharepoint features .. just trying to find the content type within a publishing site
- Alina Skarbovsky
Modern pages do have their own content type. Alyssa Danesh might be able to help you figure out why it's not showing up in your Publishing site.
Alina Skarbovsky are the modern pages (sitepages) content type tied to specific pages? I was trying to add them to a pages library on a publishing site and i can't find the content type. What feature are these tied to?
- Alina Skarbovsky
Adding Tejas Mehta for the group rename question. Pages went to 100% FR today.- Ivan54Bronze ContributorWe're having Modern Pages as well now, received Groups/Site Integration last week Friday/Saturday. Finally!
So glad we can start with our broader SharePoint Rollout without mixed users UIs in SharePoint.- Michael PerryIron Contributor
Oddly, one of my sites seems to have reverted and now does not create SitePages. Subsites of it do have the new page type though.
- Corey KelleyBrass Contributor
How do you rename a Group and have it show up renamed on the Site? When we rename a Group in the Admin Center, it changes the name everywhere except for the SharePoint Site.
Renamed Group in Admin Center
- Corey KelleyBrass Contributor
Weird rename/icon behaviors continue. As mentioned above, change the name of a group, but it did not replicate to sites. It has now replicated (after a day), but the site icon / icon color is not representative of the change. It tries to load with the correct behavior (Purple GI icon), but then it overlays it with the green IS icon.
Incorrect when on the siteCorrect on SharePoint dashboard
- Corey KelleyBrass Contributor
How do you rename a Group and have it show up renamed on the Site? When we rename a Group in the Admin Center, it changes the name everywhere except for the SharePoint Site.
Renamed Group in Admin Center
- Deleted
I have modern pages now...Yay..Anyone know how to remove the Banner image at the top of these pages?
- Anna-Maria KähkönenIron ContributorI am also still waiting, just checked - did not work :(
- Corey KelleyBrass Contributor
Alright Dave, so we didn't make the first 50%. What's the next expansion estimate? Thanks!
- Dave Cohen (US)
We don't have a concrete date to share for the next ring expansion, but I expect it will be either late next week or early the week after. For those that do have access, please send us your feedback. :)
- Corey KelleyBrass Contributor
Hi Dave - any further updates on the rollout? Thanks!
- Deleted
We got it in one of our tenants today.
Interesting to see how the Canvas-content is stored in the listitem:
PS C:\> $page = Get-SPOListItem -List (Get-SPOList -Identity "SitePages") -Id 3 PS C:\> $page.FieldValues.CanvasContent1 <div><div data-sp-canvascontrol="" data-sp-controldata="%7B%22controlType%22:4,%22displayMode%22:1,%22id%22:%22f0efa0fc-3398-4872-9f3e-92371505a0f6%22,%22innerHTML%22:%22%3Cp%3ESome%20content%20with%20bullets%3C/p%3E%3Col%3E%3Cli%3Esdfsdf%3C/li%3E%3Cli%3Esdf%3 C/li%3E%3Cli%3Esdf%3C/li%3E%3C/ol%3E%3Cp%3E%3Cstrong%3EBOLD%3Cspan%20class=%5C%22ql-cursor%5C%22%3E%EF%BB%BF%EF%BB%BF%3C/span%3E%3C/strong%3E%3C/p%3E%22,%22editorType%22:%22Quill%22%7D"><p>Some content with bullets</p><ol><li>sdfsdf</li><li>sdf</li><li>sdf</li></ol><p><st rong>BOLD<span class="ql-cursor"></span></strong></p></div><div data-sp-canvascontrol="" data-sp-controldata="%7B%22controlType%22:3,%22displayMode%22:2,%22webPartId%22:%22d1d91016-032f-456d-98a4-721247c305e8%22,%22id%22:%22d1b8d58a-000c-4a3c-848d-ed93d8f6e5 ff%22,%22webPartData%22:%7B%22id%22:%22d1d91016-032f-456d-98a4-721247c305e8%22,%22instanceId%22:%22d1b8d58a-000c-4a3c-848d-ed93d8f6e5ff%22,%22version%22:%221.0.0%22,%22title%22:%22Bild%22,%22description%22:%22Dra%20uppm%C3%A4rksamhet%20till%20sidan%20g enom%20att%20l%C3%A4gga%20till%20bilder.%20%22,%22properties%22:%7B%22imageSourceType%22:2,%22imageSource%22:%22/sites/365prev/SiteAssets/SitePages/A-new-CanvasPage/9528-tips-hiring-great-web-developer.jpg%22,%22title%22:%22My%20site%22,%22subTitle%22:%22s ub%20title%22,%22imageWidth%22:12,%22captionText%22:%22%22,%22altText%22:%22%22,%22fileName%22:%22tips-hiring-great-web-developer.jpg%22%7D,%22htmlProperties%22:%22%3Cimg%20data-sp-prop-name='imageSource'%20src='/sites/365prev/SiteAssets/SitePages/A-new-Ca nvasPage/9528-tips-hiring-great-web-developer.jpg'/%3E%22%7D%7D"><div data-sp-componentid="">d1d91016-032f-456d-98a4-721247c305e8</div><div data-sp-htmlproperties=""><img data-sp-prop-name="imageSource" src="/sites/365prev/SiteAssets/SitePages/A-new-CanvasPage/9528-tips-hirin g-great-web-developer.jpg" /></div></div></div>
Interesting "challange" to migrate content from another source into that...
- John WynneSilver ContributorGood news. As you say new challenges!