Forum Discussion
Kerem Yuceturk
Aug 09, 2016SharePoint Modern Lists - going to 10% of First Release tenants
We are continuing with the rollout of the modern lists feature. Last week we had rolled it out to all of First Release Users. This week, we will take the next step and go to 10% of users in First Rel...
- Aug 17, 2016You can disable completely the new UI using PowerShell...see this:
Frank Bastone
Oct 25, 2016Copper Contributor
Will existing apps / lists such as Tasks and Issues Tracker also assume the new SharePoint Modern lists view? At the moment, they revert to the classic view.
I'm in the process of defining a "Risks Tracker" list across new Project-oriented team site templates, but I'm concerned as to whether or not they will assume the new modern list format (which is what I'd like). In fact, I wasn't sure whether I should use a custom list, tasks list, Issues tracking list or perhaps even take a completely different route and use Planner for such a purpose. Exciting (and confusing) times ahead. Thanks.
Kerem Yuceturk
Oct 27, 2016Hi Frank Bastone, not at this time. Currently the modern view is limited only to custom lists and document libraries. We will be expanding the modern view to those in the new year. We need to add some modern controls to our arsenal to be able to properly support those.
If you are using an Office 365 Group, then Planner should be a good fit, but if you want to embed tasks into SharePoint going with a regular task list is the better tool at the moment. Agree that this part of the product is ripe for updates, hopefully we will have some goodness in 2017.