Forum Discussion
Kerem Yuceturk
Aug 09, 2016SharePoint Modern Lists - going to 10% of First Release tenants
We are continuing with the rollout of the modern lists feature. Last week we had rolled it out to all of First Release Users. This week, we will take the next step and go to 10% of users in First Rel...
- Aug 17, 2016You can disable completely the new UI using PowerShell...see this:
Mark Bice
Aug 16, 2016Brass Contributor
We have custom actions in place that register script blocks and even though auto-detect should fall back to classic lists we still see modern UI for site contents and when adding/editing a list item. Viewing the list itself is in classic, though. This makes for quite a disjointed experience as the user goes through the following flow:
Publishing (custom, branded experience)
Site Contents (new modern UI)
List (custom, branded)
Add/Edit list item (new modern UI)
Should all administrative pages go back to classic mode if there are any custom actions registered?
Aug 17, 2016
I think you should simply disable new experience until Microsoft adds support to script blocks
- Mark BiceAug 17, 2016Brass Contributor
The issue is that for consultants with many clients we do not always have the control to force all tenants into classic mode. Users are going to start seeing the modern UI regardless. If the intention is to detect customizations and not serve up the modern UI (as it has been communicated by MS and it seems to do properly in some areas) then it needs to be consistent. I don't think custom script blocks are coming to the modern UI any time soon and I think when they do they will not be a carryover of custom actions b/c trying to streamline old/new customizations would be an absolute nightmare.
- Kerem YuceturkAug 17, 2016
Hi Mark Bice, agreed that this is not an optimal experience for the scenario that you describe. For these situations, we propose that you use the workaround that jcgonzalezmartin mentioned, and disable the modern ui for the entire site using PowerShell.
- Mark BiceAug 17, 2016Brass Contributor
I understand how to disable it, that's easy enough.. My question was more around whether or not this was expected behaviour even though there are custom actions registered (the article you link to says custom actions should automatically force pages into classic). If it's a bug that is known and will be resolved soon, great. If it's not considered a bug and it's expected to have certain pages go to modern UI even with customizations then we need to know which areas are affected and then effectively communicate that to our end users (we don't control many of the tenants in which we have customized so it's an exercise of communicating the experience back to each and every tenant admin so they can disable the modern UI if they choose).
- Aug 17, 2016You can disable completely the new UI using PowerShell...see this: