Forum Discussion

William Looney's avatar
Dec 08, 2017

Annoucement: Updated Network Assessment Tool released on 12/8 - added network connectivity checks



I'm happy to announce we have just released an updated Network Assessment Tool for Skype for Business and Microsoft Teams. Download link is: (version 2017.1.0.51)


This new version has the following new features:

  • Perform connectivity test to all of the IP addresses and ports used in Microsoft Teams calls/meetings. This enables you to ensure the firewalls or other network equipment are correctly configured. The tool auto updates the list, so if any addresses or ports changed, the next time the tool is run, the new addresses will be included.
  • Tool is now delivered as an .exe which will install the appropriate runtime dependencies. This should help ensure the tool runs as expected. As part of this, the default path the output files are written to has changed.
  • Updates to support changes in relay management

Refer to the usage.docx file included with the tool for usage/etc.


Important: Starting around 12/15, older versions of the tool may stop working and will report an issue with the relay configuration. Please update accordingly.


The download site takes a few hours to replicate, so if the link doesn't work today (12/8), pleased try again in a few hours.





  • Petri-X's avatar
    Bronze Contributor

    You seems to have released a new version again in May.


    Basic command says:

    C:\...>NetworkAssessmentTool.exe /?
    Skype for Business - Network Assessment Tool

    Is this tool for Skype only or for Teams also?


    The results from this:

    C:\...>NetworkAssessmentTool.exe /connectivitycheck



    Verifications failed.


    But no need to say, my Skype/Teams is working. I'm and perhaps many other of your customers are in corporate networks. Liked or not, the standard corporate networks does not allow external connection directly from the workstations, but via the corporate proxies. So Skype and Teams, both are working (somehow) through the proxy, but why your testers does not do so?


  • The current version of this tool appears to be very broken; after changing the number of iterations to the desired amount (2000 in the below example), only about one quarter of the results are processed with the results analyser - the rest are skipped.

    Looking at the source results file, it's clear that only tests with around 850 packets sent / received are processed, and that any tests with around 280 packets sent / received are skipped;

    I've tested this thoroughly and can see no logic as to why it utilises 250ish packets sometimes, and 850ish others. This isn't a configurable variable.


    Any chance of getting this fixed?


    Kind regards

    • William Looney's avatar
      William Looney
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
      Thanks for the feedback. We are working on an update to address this issue.
      • rovert506's avatar
        Iron Contributor

        William Looney - greatly appreciate the update.  Any rough ETA on when we can expect the fix?  Weeks?  A month?  Longer?

    • Ronald Zancola's avatar
      Ronald Zancola
      Copper Contributor

      I have noticed the same issue with tests being run with either 250-ish or 850-ish packets in a 3:1-ish ratio.  I was thinking this was potentially an indication of an issue with my ISP but now seeing this reported by someone else I too wonder if it's an issue with the tool.


      • rovert506's avatar
        Iron Contributor

        +1 to issues with the new version.  Several attempts on multiple machines results in 283 packets sent/received.  When trying to use resultsanalyzer, it claims:

        "Error: No data in input file.  Please check that at least one record exists."


        This is despite the fact that the TSV file has 10 rows of data.


        For attempts that result in 800+ packets (851 seems to be the magic number for perfect), resultsanalyzer will skip rows with 283 packets sent/received.  I've tried modifying the relay IP to several different ones (,,, and and results don't improve.


        Is this a tool issue?  Or a relay issue?  Seems to be the former...

  • Jeff Brown's avatar
    Jeff Brown
    Brass Contributor

    I was helping a customer troubleshoot with this today and comparing the results with running it on my computer. I noticed that not all the IPs listed on the Office 365 IPs and URLs support page appear when testing the tool. In fact, it seemed the customer would get a different set than I would get. Any reason why not all the IPs would be tested?

    • William Looney's avatar
      William Looney
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
      The pulls the list of all the IP's needed for Microsoft Teams that is the same as what is supported on the support page. If you have a specific IP address missing, I can investigate.
  • Satish Kumar's avatar
    Satish Kumar
    Copper Contributor

    Looks great! We were waiting for this :)

    One point, do we have option to check what all IPs it tested during connectivity checks? I can only see two lines:

    Starting Connectivity checks
    Verifications completed successfully



    • Deleted's avatar


      The IP's are not surfaced in the tool, but I agree to see them would be cool.


      If you are interested you can trace them with wireshark/NetMon - I took a screenshot in my blog post

      • Satish Kumar's avatar
        Satish Kumar
        Copper Contributor

        Thanks for response.

        I got what I was looking for using following command:


        NetworkAssessmentTool.exe /Connectivitycheck /verbose


        I can see list of IPs which were checked during connectivity check with port number.

  • Adam Fowler's avatar
    Adam Fowler
    Iron Contributor

    Is this purely for Skype for Business Online? It would be good to make sure the word 'Online' is used as I often find things related to SfB to find out they're Online only.

  • thet naing's avatar
    thet naing
    Iron Contributor
    I changed “Relay.IP” to my CCE edge’s in the config file but the tool keeps probing the whole Microsoft’s IP ranges starting from “”..,..., instead of my CCE’s IP?

    Any bugs?
    • ivanja's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Those IP addresses are the Transport Relay anycast ip addresses. I'm trying to understand why you are trying to achieve with change your relay.ip to your CCE Edge. 
