Forum Discussion

  • MiniciBI's avatar
    Brass Contributor
    My OneDrive for business lost its connection with my O365, as I am using Ent insider, the document file folder lost its sync as well. The iron on task bar show signing in only. (blue cloud). Meanwhile, other no sync system, OneDrive for personal(white cloud) are still kept its function.
    I guess it may related to the file explorer updated, please let me know, if any reset needs.
    • HotCakeX's avatar
      it could be related to file explorer, yes, but if you can, try signing out and in again from OneDrive business, try restarting computer and also you can remove business account from Windows 10 account settings and then add it again.
      hope that helps
      • MiniciBI's avatar
        Brass Contributor
        Thanks, I try to reset through signing out and in again, the error happened after email account login and choose a location. I try to unstill whole office 365 suit, and re-install. the personal edition (white cloud) work, while the blue cloud are still blocked in same step. I will keep try, as ent edition, registered the account in first use os, maybe I have to reset whole OS, and re-register the account?
  • Hi, can you recommend changes for the better in this compilation? Unfortunately, we do not have time to read entire articles! Showing screenshots would also help you understand improvements for all users. Good luck
    • HotCakeX's avatar
      Screenshots are in the blog post, if you want to see the changes you can scroll down quickly in that page. all of those date is useful.
      • Deleted's avatar
        Yes, but I asked for a very short recommendation from the honoured Member of the MTC and probably such an opinion will be welcomed by everyone in advance thank You Andrew
