Forum Discussion

Oliver Stähr's avatar
Oliver Stähr
Copper Contributor
Oct 04, 2017

RSAT missing DNS Server Tools?


on a fresh Win 10 insider client (16278 updated to 16299) I installed Windows_InsiderPreview_RSAT_x64_16279 but it seems to be missing DNS Server Tools, the MMC snap-in. All other tools like AD, DHCP, WSUS, RAS etc. are there.

It should be there, right?

Cheers, Oliver



  • Travis Armour's avatar
    Travis Armour
    Copper Contributor

    Reading through this and I see a lot of frustration.  One way to reduce this and possibly increase security is to provision a management server and run your elevated tools and scripts from that location.  This allows you protect against pass-the-hash like security risks by using your separate elevated account to log into your management server to complete elevated tasks.  Another approach if you have an RDS or Citrix farm is to publish the applications.  Running these from a windows 10 desktop is going to have it's challenges.  Having to reinstall RSAT tools to match the OS is not new.  Spend less time complaining and aligning with the problem, get outside the box and become the solution.

    • pc Techs's avatar
      pc Techs
      Copper Contributor

      Anyone have a clue how to successfully uninstall KB2693643?

      PS> Uninstall-Package -Name "Update for Windows (KB2693643)"
      PS> Get-Package -Name "Update for Windows (KB2693643)"
      Name                           Version          Source                           ProviderName
      ----                           -------          ------                           ------------
      Update for Windows (KB2693643)                                                   msu

      As you can see, uninstall seems to succeed without throwing any errors, but Get-Package says it is still installed.  

      Appwiz.cpl updates still lists a slightly different named  "Update for Microsoft Windows (KB2693643)"  with "An error has occurred. Not all of the updates were successfully uninstalled."



      PS> wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2693643

      results in the following error message box:

      "Windows Update Standalone Installer

      "Installer encountered an error: 0x80070005

      Access is denied."


      In all cases, I have elevated PS.




    • David Harding's avatar
      David Harding
      Copper Contributor

      Installed Build 17063.rs_prerelease.171213-1610.  Although I had to go through it twice, it worked the second time around and my tiles showed up on my Start menu without having to move them or pinning them to the Start menu again.

      The new build is soooo much better than 17046.  For those of you on the Fast Ring for Insider Preview, Build 17046 was available 12/19/2017.

    • David Harding's avatar
      David Harding
      Copper Contributor
      I will give it a try after the next build comes down.
    • Agent Smith's avatar
      Agent Smith
      Copper Contributor

      This Microsoft fix worked for me on version 1709.

      Happy as got my DNS Manager back !!

      Just make sure file names are correct and you run batch file from command box not right click method.

    • Mir Ahsenullah's avatar
      Mir Ahsenullah
      Copper Contributor

      Nope, another fail.

      Running the batch file gives syntax errors.

    • Jim Harle's avatar
      Jim Harle
      Brass Contributor

      Perfect, better to publish a laborious workaround vs. fixing the package. /s

  • Mir Ahsenullah's avatar
    Mir Ahsenullah
    Copper Contributor

    No ifs, ands or buts. I'm tired of downloading RSAT for Windows 10. After the 1709 update this week it broke again.

    Installed WS_1709 after the update, no DNS, did a system restore to go back to WS_2016 but it will not install.

    Just going to RDP to the DCs from now on.

    Thanks again Microsoft for updating the updates and breaking other things along the way too.

  • Jake Burgy's avatar
    Jake Burgy
    Brass Contributor

    We're also seeing this issue on the current download here:



    File: WindowsTH-RSAT_WS_1709-x64.msu


    We'd prefer not to move files around manually in order to get DNS back - when can we expect an actual fix (i.e. a new release) for this issue?


    And more importantly, how could this pass even the most basic of QA tests and be released to the general public? :)

    • Robert Affleck's avatar
      Robert Affleck
      Copper Contributor

      In my "perfect world" people would get fired over this. Think of all the thousands of wasted hours this will now cause.

      • Christopher Morgan's avatar
        Christopher Morgan
        Copper Contributor

        You must not work in software development...

        Regardless - it has taken them a bit too long to fix this seemingly minor packaging bug.

  • PepperdotNet's avatar
    Brass Contributor
    I just solved this issue on the Windows 10 that I upgraded last night to 16299.15. If you have a Windows Server 2016 (not insider) machine on your network, or another Windows 10 with the WS2016 (not insider) RSAT tools installed, you need to copy four files from it to your Windows 10 after installing RSAT 16279. system32: dnsmgmt.msc and dnsmgr.dll system32\en-us: dnsmgmt.msc and DNSmgr.dll.mui (or slightly fewer keystrokes if you are using the command prompt to do it, copy dnsmg*.* in both system32 and system32\en-us folders) Then run this command as admin: regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\dnsmgr.dll
    • Deleted's avatar

      I had a similar problem in that I couldn't connect to the internet because computer would not recognize the existence of a DSN server.--had Microsoft on phone for almost 3 hours no results.  Call my internet server company "Spectrum"  They sent someone out in 10 minutes he had me up and running. Changed a wire to my modem (thought lightening might have run in) but modem was on a circuit breaker.  He then downloaded files from main office to re-establish the DNS service to my desktop. I have lost other things doing Windows10 updates.  I have come to be suspicious of every update.  Now I'm getting a picture "that it is time to update my computer" and there is no company, product, or connection connected to the notice.  Nor is there a decline button.  I'm perplexed so I'll stop here on go work on that problem.  Any suggestions please post.
