1 TopicUnable to use "callto:" to initiate a call in new Teams
We used to be able to run the command "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\WindowsApps\ms-teams.exe callto:email address removed for privacy reasons" to initiate a call in the classic version of Teams, but since upgrading to the new Teams client we get "Sorry, we're unable to complete the call." I've tested the command with a phone number "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\WindowsApps\ms-teams.exe callto:3059999999" and confirmed this still works and will prompt me in Teams if I'd like to call this number, it just doesn't find the person when using their email: I found the following Q&A post callto: working in Teams - Microsoft Q&A where Microsoft stated "external deep link like callto: are not supported" but using a deeplink like the example in Deep link to start an audio-video call with users, launches the browser first before redirecting to Teams, which is the behavior we are hoping to avoid. We can still use the classic Teams for now but considering it will be replaced with the new Teams by March 31, 2024, we wanted to get confirmation if callto: will not be supported in the new Teams. If it's no longer supported, how can we initiate a call in Teams from a command without launching the browser first?