1391 TopicsAuto Attendant Call Forwarding: How to Mask Caller ID for External Transfers
Hello everyone, I have a question about the configuration of the Auto Attendant. A brief explanation of the problem: I am currently creating a hotline for one of our business units. A routing point of the Auto Attendant should be that the number 3 is forwarded to the specified external number by pressing a key. Everything works as it should. Now comes the problem: This number, to which the call is then forwarded, is the location of an attendant console (AC-Win system) of our Hipath4000 telephone system of one of our receptions. This can display which hotline the caller is currently coming from. This requires the Auto Attendant to remove the number of the actual caller when forwarding and to forward the call in the context of another predefined number. Is it possible to realize this? Via caller ID policies or something similar? Best regards Elias16Views0likes0CommentsMultilanguage greeting message for AutoAttendants and CallQueues
Dear all, Is there a trick to have more than 1 language in as a greeting message? What I do now is: AA_en-EN with an englisch greeting message, transfer the call to AA_nl-NL with a dutch greeting message -> transfer the call to the callqueue. It would be awesome if we can use a sort of shortcode in a single greeting message to create a multilanguage message in just 1 greeting message. Like: [en-EN] Welcome to, please hold the line [nl-NL] Welkom bij, een moment geduld alstublieft. How do you creata a multilanguage Voice environment in Teams?1.9KViews1like6CommentsCalls go silent when transferring from an AA and CQs to an agent
In my AAs and CQs when i transfer directly to an agent the caller gets an automated message saying "your call is being transferred" then silence until the agent picks up. No ringing tone, nothing. Most callers hang up thinking its a problem. Can this be fixed? Is there anything i can do to fix this? Its such a major issue for us using teams calling. Does anyone have an update?Solved5.2KViews0likes27CommentsMeeting Bot issue: Did not receive valid response for JoinCall request from call modality controller
I'm trying to join a Teams Meeting with a bot. I used this sample. When the bot attempts to join I get the popup to admit or deny it in the meeting, but as soon as I click admit, it drops. In the logs I see this message: Call status updated to Terminated - Did not receive valid response for JoinCall request from call modality controller.. DiagCode: 580#5426.@ I am using the latest ( at time of writing) version of Microsoft.Graph.Communications libraries and the problem only started after I updated from that I was using previously. I could not find any info on what the call modality controller is, or how to check what it is responding if anything. Any ideas on how to troublshoot this are welcome.873Views1like9CommentsMicrosoft teams user analytics custom dates
Hi team, Just wondering if there is a way to get Teams analytics on a custom dates range? I know we can get trends currently for 7, 30, 90 or 180 days. But I would like to generate a report for a particular time period, for example: for the Month of December (31 days). Is there a way to action this ? Thanks1.2KViews1like3CommentsMicrosoft Teams Call Volume too Quiet
My company recently switched to Microsoft Teams for our conference calls, and an issue I'm having involves call volumes when taking calls over headphones vs. laptop speakers. I typically take calls through my headphones, where volume changes work as expected. However, if I disconnect my headphones to listen to the meeting through the laptop speakers, the volume changes. For a split-second the volume will be at the correct level, and immediately afterwards will reduce so low that it's almost impossible to hear (think listening to headphones without having them in your ears). Despite this, my computer and Teams both claim the volume is at 100%, but this can't possibly be true. Any suggestions?494KViews13likes73CommentsWhy can't I join a meeting on iPhone without giving Teams access to scan my local network?
I tried to join a meeting today after updating my iPhone and now Teams won't let me join any meetings unless I give it access to scan my local network. This is a gross breach of security... is Teams scanning local networks on corporate desktop computers as well?71KViews10likes31CommentsTeams Phone allowing the option to "Call as myself"
We've been using Teams as our phone system for a couple years. When we implemented this we configured a caller ID policy assigned to all users which replaces the outbound caller ID with a specific resource account (our main number). This was done specifically so that users' outbound calls would always come from our main number, and return calls would always go to our auto attendant rather than to an individual. This worked perfectly until recently. Now, when users dial out (Teams Windows client, mobile client, and Yealink desk phones) there is a dropdown attached to the "Call" button which allows the option to "call as myself". This sends the call out with the individual user's caller ID instead of the Main Number resource account. In fact, the "Call as myself" option appears to be the default, and they have to actually drop down and select "Call as <resource account name>" in order to dial out with the main number. I'm not exactly sure when this changed, if it was an update to the Teams software or policies or what, but it was reported to me today. My question is, can we disable the "call as myself" option? Has anyone done this? Thanks in advance.1.5KViews2likes1CommentIssue arising since most recent update
Hi all, Since we updated to 25007.607.3371.8436 we seem to be getting issues with our reception team consult and transferring through to call queues. The use the Team native app to transfer and when the person answers the consult you'll hear them speak for a moment then it will put the call on hold, which they'll need to resume to continue. Wondering if anyone else is having these issues? They have a Yealink MP50 as their device Handset/headset.. and whilst we have put it down to hardware so far swapping out these devices in favour of a standard Teams approved headset hasn't resolved the issue. Firmware etc are all up to date... we see no issues on the gateways and no unusual behavior anywhere.151Views0likes0Comments