17 TopicsSending emails using python SMTP from gmail to outlook being blocked
I am trying to send emails from my domains mailbox which is google based but it is being blocked with the following error: 450 4.7.26 Service does not accept messages sent over IPv6 [2607:f8b0:4864:20::f2e] unless they pass either SPF or DKIM validation (signature failure). Emails being sent to outlook if they are received are frequently ending up in the junk folder. I have a paid service so all users receiving emails from my platform are expecting these emails and I'm almost only having this issue with outlook, is there anything i can do from my end so that outlook stops flagging my emails to my customers?84Views0likes0CommentsReplies to booking emails/cancellations
Hi there, I set up my company bookings page and although there have now been other admins assigned, I and I alone receive email responses to booking notifications. E.g. if a client who has a meeting with a colleague of mine emails to say they are running late, don't have the link or need to postpone the meeting, it only comes to my email address. I am moving on in a couple of months so need to action this before then. I cannot see in the settings/ set up how to amend this. TIA33Views0likes0CommentsCan't Leave Windows Insider
I somehow got into Windows Insider, and I want out. I have tried every email I know to exit the program. For 3 of the 4 emails on my Microsoft account - it says "This email address is not registered as a Windows Insider." The fourth email it says it is not a Microsoft account ( I think it is a recovery email). The Reason I want out: When Office apps stopped working, they kept blaming Windows insider. After 4-1/2 hours they managed to fix the problem. But, they told me unless I can figure out what email is associated with Windows Insider, my only option to exit it is to rebuild my computer!!!! Also, I would need to find my windows key from years ago & move all my 2.7 TB of data and reinstall all my programs & apps. Are they INSANE?????? So now i really want out. PLEASE help!Solved57Views0likes2CommentsQuery regarding automatic booking confirmation email
Hi there, Firstly, whenever a customer books an appointment they receive two booking confirmations - I would like for them to receive only one. They look somewhat similar, but one looks more "official" than the other - having our logo, and overall more pleasing to look at. The other email is just a link to the meeting. I have tried turning off 'Send a meeting invite to the customer' (from 'Booking Page' > 'Default scheduling policy') but this does not seem to do anything. I would like to get rid of the "unofficial" one. Secondly, the "official" email the customer receives has a "Price: Free" in the email - how do I get rid of this entirely. Thanks in advance! M Price: Free Two emails - want to get rid of the bottom one!424Views0likes0CommentsUpdate to Sharing Emails in OneDrive
We’re updating how sharing mails are sent from SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business. We made a change earlier this year to send sharing mails from the sharing user's Exchange Online mailbox. At that time, we also stopped CC'ing the sender as the mails will now appear in that user's Sent Items folder. We received feedback from customers that many of their users did not have Exchange Online and relied upon the CC field as part of their workflow. We have therefore resumed CC'ing sharing mails when the sharing user does not have an Exchange mailbox. We'll be gradually rolling this out to customers and will complete our rollout in October17KViews6likes3CommentsCan You Add Members To A Team And Not Generate The 'Welcome To / Intro To Teams' Email?
I'm creating a new Team and I have to add new user to this Team but I don't want that the users receive the welcome email. I had tried to disable this function with a rule filter in Exchange and with this command in PowerShell Set-UnifiedGroup $groupName -UnifiedGroupWelcomeMessageEnabled:$false PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-unifiedGroup | Select-object -Property DisplayName, WelcomeMessageEnabled DisplayName WelcomeMessageEnabled ----------- --------------------- MyTeam False But nothing of this works fine and the new users are receiving this emails. How can I do it? Regards28KViews0likes6CommentsWhy can't Teams, like Outlook, remember external emails?
Using Teams to create calendar invites is a pain in the backside! Every time I invite a client (or clients) to a call or meeting, I have to manually input each external email to the invite. When this is a regular group catch up, it's pretty time consuming. Why can't Teams remember emails you've inputted before and make suggestions as you start to type in an email, like Outlook does? This would make sending invites so much more practical! Unless it does somehow and I'm not sure how to do that?3.5KViews0likes6CommentsHow to access office 365 mailbox by Golang
Hi, What is recommended practice for Golang to access office 365 mailbox(read&send mails) after basic authentication turn off? I guess msgraph-sdk-go should be a good choose, but use it in production is not suggested. another user to be notified about activity on my SharePoint site
Hello, I have created a SP site and I am getting notifications as someone has added a like or comment on every subpage. I am the owner of this site. Is it possible to add another user to the recipients of this email? I would like another person to get emails about activity on these pages too. Thank you for your help!732Views0likes1Comment