Feature suggestion
9 TopicsWindows 11 Taskbar Seems Downgraded
There are some key functionalities of the Windows 10 taskbar that got everything right, and I don't know why they got removed in Windows 11. I would like to see them added back in. Three main features that were instrumental as a video game player using Windows 10 taskbar and a multi-monitor setup: 1. Click+Drag (or alternate setting) after unlocking the taskbar to move the taskbar to whatever portion of the screen you wanted it on. 2. Vertical space is a premium in horizontal monitor orientations, side oriented task bars are excellent for these scenarios. 3. Clocks on alternate monitor taskbar. Windows 11 is missing it from alternate monitor task bars. My primary monitor is the one the games always start on, why can't I have a visible clock on my alternate monitor's taskbar as a default feature of Windows 11?1KViews1like1CommentMove steps into tasks
The steps function is limited by the fact that you cannot easily select a step and turn it into a task or create sub-steps for it - the best you can do is copy and paste the text of the step into the add a task bar and then treat it as a separate task but none of the other information in terms of notes, reminders or due dates is retained this way. Similarly, you can't copy and paste a task to duplicate that information and then change the text, unless anyone has a workaround?3.7KViews5likes1CommentMicrosoft Bing needs re-design!
Hello everyone! How are you? At the same time that we are receiving support for the AI algorithm and attracting new users to BIng, it would not hurt to bring a cleaner and more aligned interface, highlighting the Bing logo and helping to an easy association, so I created a concept image myself. (simple, but direct) Some concepts that I find interesting to change Centralize the search bar to the middle of the user page Remove excess text and remove specific search buttons, bringing them down the search bar Change the 3 dashes of configuration for the user's photo Add a dark theme to bing Finally, this image is merely conceptual, given that my design is not "perfect" having flaws of font and proportion in the standard image of the user I used generic.628Views0likes0CommentsAdding a Translator Widget to the Tools Section of the Sidebar
Feature Request The Tools section of the Sidebar has almost every widget one would need, even including a handy dictionary. However, it is missing at least one additional tool: the translator! It seems that the widgets inside the Tools section are the same ones displayed when you search for them with Bing, so adding the translator should be easy. The translator is a powerful tool and having it alongside these other tools is necessary! An Additional Thought (it may be related, but is really a separate idea) Depending on how the dictionary widget works, it might be a cool idea to be able to select a lookup language. If I have a word in another language and I want the definition, it would be convenient to just ask the dictionary for the definition of that word (and be able to tell the dictionary the language to which it belongs); as opposed to having to use the translator (which isn't included in the Tools section) to get the word in English, then going back to the dictionary to get the definition.1.4KViews0likes0CommentsPlease add this feature soon!!!
Please allow us to set different taskbars for different desktops, it would be so helpful to have this feature as I obviously use different apps for school and work. Having the right apps pinned to my taskbar depending on which desktop I am using would be way more convenient and help me focus.941Views2likes1CommentFeature Request: Add an optional user-defined description field to bookmarks
Hello! I'm constantly re-naming and re-organizing my bookmarks (favorites) so that they make the most sense to my future self when I have to circle back to some resource I might not have even thought about in quite some time. But it can be difficult to put enough information in the 'Name' field to remind me if it's really the location I want to be opening. One feature that I think would be really beneficial is to add an additional 'Description' field that can be defined when creating/editing a bookmark (favorite). If this field is populated with some text, then it should be displayed in the bookmark's tooltip when hovering over it. I see no issue having this field be character limited to some number of characters, as long as it can contain a couple of sentences. I think this would be a really neat feature that would enable users to have much simpler 'file structures' for their bookmarks (favorites), while also making their bookmarks more reliable over time. Sometimes users will make multiple links to various sub-pages that all exist within the same website. But with this extra information available, one could more easily just link to the higher-level URL of a website; because the bookmark (favorite) description could contain just enough info to help them find what they need from the one access point. Often, websites re-organize their pages in ways that could break old bookmarks, but higher-level URLs of a website change much less frequently. So this feature wouldn't just make navigating your bookmarks easier; in practice, it would also allow the user to make useful bookmarks that would be more reliable over time. Please let me know what you think! Cheers, -Dan656Views1like0CommentsFeature suggestion
I'd like to see these features (iOS) You can share pictures to the Reminder App, a To Do alternative, but you cannot share pictures to To Do. I often take screenshots as my To Do item. But the current workflow (open To Do -> create a new item -> attach pictures) is too complicated. I should be able to share the screenshot directly to To Do right after I take the screenshot, by using iOS's built-in Share button. Right now, from what I have observed, only text/url can be shared to To Do. (iOS) You cannot record voice memo in To Do. This could be very useful for someone on the go or in a hurry. While speech to text is built-in in iOS, it's not great and is not the same as a voice memo. (Windows) Need an undo button. When I mark a task complete, I often mark the wrong item. This is especially true when syncing is slow. If I click the first time and find no response, I'll click the second time. But the system will still register two clicks, and mark two tasks complete instead of just one. This is because the second task will move up to the same spot as the first one when the first one is checked off, whereas the two sequential mouse clicks occur on the same spot, resulting in marking a wrong item as complete. Without an undo button, it can be impossible to restore the task that's wrongly checked off, especially when you don't pay attention and don't even know what is gone. (Windows) To-Do does not seem to work if you are using a proxy server based 'VPN' solution (e.g. PandaVPN, Shadowsocks, etc.). Mine certainly never did. This is true for Microsoft's other UWP Apps as well, such as OneNote for Windows 10 and Microsoft Store App. Curiously, using the same VPN on iOS or macOS does not have any issue at all. I am convinced that Windows UWP Apps are not compatible with proxy servers in general, making using them a poor experience compared to their counterparts in desktop Apps and in rival platform's OSes.915Views2likes1CommentTabs lock when using shortcut
Feature suggestion I think would be nice to lock the tabs when grouped and using the shortcut to switch tabs. I'll make an example. I have this situation 2 tabs are grouped, 2 are pinned and another 2 tabs. Would be nice having a feature to lock the switching tabs with the shortcut "ctrl+tab" within the grouped tab, so that when having many tabs open it makes it easy to switch between them869Views0likes0Comments