338 TopicsLogitech Brio stop working after windows 11 build 22581 update (Beta channel)
Hello, I've just installed Windows 11 build 22581 from the Windows Insider Beta channel last night. Since then, my Logitech Brio camera stop working. My Logitech Brio was configured on my computer for Windows Hello facial authentication, so I'm sure it was working just fine before the update since I use it each time I'm logging in. I've tested the camera on antoher compter, it works fine. I've updated the camera to the latest firmware on this other computer just in case, but it doesn't help. Back on my main computer, the camera still appears in the Device Manager, but the device is not accessible from apps like the Camera app. I've tried the uninstall the device, then perform a scan to add it back in. The device is added but is not working... When I try the "Restore driver" option, it says that "the driver is not build for this plateform" Finally, I've tried to switch from the Beta to the Dev channel, just in case a fix was already available. But this seems not to be the case. So here I am Thanks in advance for you help.41KViews3likes34CommentsSuggestion: add Progress Bar and Next/Prev options to the PiP (Picture in Picture) in Edge browser
Suggestion: add Progress Bar and Next/Prev options to the PiP (Picture in Picture) in Edge browser Here is a video of my side by side comparison of PiP in Edge Canary Version 83.0.461 and PiP in Windows 10 Movies & TV app which is the superior one. Also allow to control that progress bar in PiP. use the same small minimal style from the app on Windows 10 but on mouse hover, the progress bar needs to get bigger and come Up so user can control it and click on it. Thanks. display not changing to 1920 x 1080
With initial versions of Mixed Reality Link the remote display in the Meta Quest was looking great, crisp and big, but suddenly it stopped doing that. Since the latest update of Mixed Reality Link the display keeps the same resolution from my physical monitor, which makes it look squeezed and with big horizontal black bars in the Quest window. Quest 3 Meta Horizon OS v72 best regards, Ramon49Views1like1CommentMS Forms: multi-select checkbox answers in grid questions
Is there a way in MS Forms to add a multi-select checkbox grid for survey questions? I'm aware of the existing Likert scale grid option but that only allows for selecting one response in each row. I want respondents to able to select more than one option in each row. Google Forms has this feature. If it is not available in MS Forms, how does one go about submitting feedback to have this feature added to Likert scale questions?295Views1like2Comments[SOLVED] Memory Integrity bounces back to "turned off" state after Windows restart - fast ring 19536
This is an old post and the issue is no longer relevant. This has been happening since a couple of builds ago as well. I turn on the Memory Integrity in Core isolation section of Windows Defender, then after a restart or two, I go check again and see it's turned off. it usually happens when I uninstall a program that needs to be restarted. but it also happens when I uninstall a software that does Not need Windows restart to finish uninstall process. Automate Error - Microsoft Forms Email
I have followed directions from other users to set up an automated email with attachments and a custom email body, which seems to have worked except when it tries to complete one section. I cannot find the error. When I entered the 'json' it automatically corrected from "item" to "name" dynamic function and now won't run.26Views0likes0CommentsMovies & TV app should be able to resume videos from where we left off
When I watch a video on Movies & TV app and then close it, after reopening it has no ability to resume from where I left off. please add this feature. Upvote this suggestion in Feedback hub app: .HEIF support to the Edge browser
What does it do? Like JPEG, HEIF is a standard for lossy digital image compression. It’s a technology for maintaining some quality while keeping file sizes small; compared to a lossless technology like TIFF, which employs little to no compression but file sizes are very large. HEIF maintains the image quality of JPEG but at up to half the size, or offers better quality at the same size. It achieves this by comparing all the data of an image and only saving the areas that are different, instead of every piece of information (it’s more technical than that). HEIF also supports animation, and is capable of storing more information than an animated GIF at a small fraction of the size. it will be helpful if Edge supported this format so websites will be able to use this new format to display still and animated pictures more efficiently. I sent this feature request using feedback button on Edge browser. if you also want this feature, please do the same.16KViews3likes17CommentsLikert question on excel
I made a survey for school using forms. I like the graphs provided after the surveys are done and I'm trying to use those graphs in excel, to be exact the likert graph but I cant seem to find out how to do it on excel. When ever I try to do the stacked bar graph it doesn't add up how it has it on forms. The title of the question is the only variable that comes on on everything like my x-axis, y-axis and key variables. Any way I can copy and paste the graphs already provided in forms onto excel? Or does anyone know the trick to use that specific formula in excel to do it?971Views0likes1Commentoptional suggestion: new menu bar app for mac
i wish i could launch one of my edge profile (no matter from which edge) directly in the menu bar. so you create a profile and then i can search a profile installed on my 4 browser, without need to launch a browser. at the moment we can do similar things once the browser is launched using the dock icon or using the sync icon or using the menu bar option inside edge. but there is still the limit that we can do it for one browser. we cannot search profiles installed on all 4 browser. plus every time you launch the browser, you open the last used profile. so we first need to close and then switch (which requires time). profile switching is slower in edge compared to google. now with this new app you would simply launch a profile inside an edge app, without launching the previous profile.4.1KViews1like9Comments