Graph API
34 Topics"You'll need a new app to open this about link"
I have a custom app running inside of Microsoft Teams. Everything works as expected when running it inside the Teams web application. Running it inside the Teams desktop application breaks part of my custom app. The issue arises when making a request to any web API. That could be the Microsoft Graph API or a custom one I've build for the custom, client application. Instead of getting data back when making the request, I get a popup stating "You'll need a new app to open this about link". Look for an app in the Microsoft Store. Yes/No. I've tried all kinds of different things. Different providers, SSO vs Azure Auth. Any help would be highly appreciated. Regards, Tolga35KViews0likes5CommentsHow to generate or create chat id of MS teams using Graph API ?
I got the list of chat Id's. I did conversation in MS teams from GET - using graph API (Graph Explorer) Is there any way to generate chat Id with the help of user Id with whom I never chat yet.25KViews0likes5CommentsFirewall settings: Source IP range for Ms Graph call notifications
Hi everybody, we have configured a calling BOT with an Webhook (for calling) URL like https://servername:Port/graph/notifications/calls. Which source ip ranges do we have to open in the firewall settings for this notifications? We need a list of all Microsoft Cloud Servers, which sends this call notifications. Thanks for your help. Regards Gerd13KViews0likes5CommentsGraph API: create a PSTN call and invite a PSTN participant
Hello everybody, We are using the MS Graph API within a C# project. After successful creating a PSTN call from our bot like described here we run into the next problem: We want to invite another PSTN participant to this existing call like described here: But we receive following event: { "value": [ { "changeType": "Deleted", "resourceUrl": "/communications/calls/981f6100-cb65-42d9-af3c-1390c68cac8b/operations/5fedb136-cff9-446d-a8bc-4166db960e19", "resource": "/app/calls/981f6100-cb65-42d9-af3c-1390c68cac8b/operations/5fedb136-cff9-446d-a8bc-4166db960e19", "resourceData": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.inviteParticipantsOperation", "participants": [ { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.invitationParticipantInfo", "identity": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identitySet", "phone": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identity", "id": "+49175********" } } } ], "status": "failed", "resultInfo": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.resultInfo", "code": 403, "subcode": 9999, "message": "addParticipants failed for participant 4:+49175******. Underlying reason: Call does not contain the metadata required for making this PSTN dial out.. DiagCode: 403#10151" }, "id": "5fedb136-cff9-446d-a8bc-4166db960e19" }, "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.commsNotification" } ], "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.commsNotifications" } Any idea why we can not invite another PSTN participant to an existing call from the bot to a PSTN number? Thanks. Regards Gerd9.9KViews2likes39CommentsGraph API user all attributes/properties are null
Hi! We are using the People Picker component in our app and it is making graph API calls that look correct, but in the response the user properties are all null except the ID. Example, searching for "ellen" causes the following request:$count=true&$top=6&$filter=startswith(displayName,%27ellen%27)%20or%20startswith(givenName,%27ellen%27)%20or%20startswith(surname,%27ellen%27)%20or%20startswith(mail,%27ellen%27)%20or%20startswith(userPrincipalName,%27ellen%27) The response contains one user. The object ID is correct but displayName (and all other properties) are null. { "@odata.context": "$metadata#users", "@odata.count": 1, "value": [ { "businessPhones": [], "displayName": null, "givenName": null, "jobTitle": null, "mail": null, "mobilePhone": null, "officeLocation": null, "preferredLanguage": null, "surname": null, "userPrincipalName": null, "id": "b4cbe90a-2b84-4804-90d4-aeb341e63adf" } ] } Here are all the permissions I have granted. Thanks for your help! Calendars.ReadWrite Calendars.ReadWrite.Shared Channel.ReadBasic.All email Group.ReadWrite.All GroupMember.Read.All offline_access openid People.Read profile Team.ReadBasic.All TeamsActivity.Send User.ReadSolved7.2KViews0likes6CommentsAdd a Channel mention to an adaptive card
All, Using the beta version of the API, with the help of the documentation, I'm able to use graph to send a team mention to a channel and I'm also able to send an adaptive card to a channel but I can't send a team mention to a channel in an adaptive card, any help? { "importance": "high", "subject": "This is a mention", "body": { "contentType": "html", "content": "Text goes here. <br/> <at id ='0'></at> <br/><br/>" } , "mentions": [ { "id": 0, "mentionText": "test", "mentioned": { "conversation": { "id": "", "displayName": "test", "conversationIdentityType": "team" } } } ] } { "subject": null, "body": { "contentType": "html", "content": "<attachment id=" + randomKey + "></attachment>" }, "attachments": [{ "id": randomKey, "contentType": "application/", "contentUrl": null, "content": { "title": "Test title", "text": "textgoes here", "buttons": [{ "type": "openUrl", "title": "Button", "value": "" }, { "type": "openUrl", "title": "Button2", "value": "" } ]}, "name": null, "thumbnailUrl": null }] }5.6KViews0likes6CommentsStyling HTML Message from Graph in Teams
Hi, Is there any guidance or recommended CSS styles that can be used when posting HTML messages to Teams via the Graph API? We are running into issues trying to make a message pleasing but also work in the different available themes on multiple devices. We found a color scheme that worked for light and dark in the client/browser version but it is not being respected in iOS. thanks, MarySolved5.4KViews0likes1CommentGraph API get private channel connected site url failing
I am following this article Manage lifecycle of private channels to get private channel's site url using App-Only authentication. As per the article, its giving the desired result for this first request "GET<group_id>/channels?$filter=membershipType eq 'private'" but for second request GET<group_id>/channels/<channel_id>/filesFolder its throwing error "502 Bad Gateway". Can anyone suggest what could be the issue? Error: { "error": { "code": "BadGateway", "message": "Failed to execute backend request.", "innerError": { "request-id": "6ab8032b-8d33-4543-b2f1-0e13978e9699", "date": "2020-02-05T07:00:11" } } } Jeremy Thake any tip why its failing?4.2KViews0likes8CommentsGraph API: Get video recording link for a meeting
Hi, I am trying to get video recording link of a meeting which I created using Graph API. I can't find anything in the documentation which points me to the right direction. I have searched the internet too. But could not find anything. Can someone provide me documentation link or an example for; 1. How to get video recording link of a meeting? 2. How I can download it? Thanks4.1KViews1like3Comments